Toggle When Ready

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Wishlist' started by Lotus Hunter, December 15, 2010.

  1. Lotus Hunter

    Lotus Hunter New Member

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    First off, I like the idea behind the "ready" system. For impatient people like myself it is a godsend. The only problem it is extremely difficult to get every person in the lobby to set their status to ready, so the new feature goes unused...

    I propose that the system be altered to increase the chances of actually decreasing down time between games. Instead of skipping the wait time in the lobby when all the players are ready time should decrease at an accelerated rate based on the number of ready players.

    So if no players toggle ready, then time would decrease at the normal rate, and if one player toggles ready the timer would decrease at a faster pace. With each player that toggles ready the time would decrease at faster and faster rates. Eventually if every player toggled ready the time should decrease so rapidly that it felt like an instant veto.

    This would essentially perform the same function as a majority "ready" toggle except instead of an all or nothing threshold that needed to be reached, there would be a gradient where every vote influenced the countdown.

    Sorry if this exists elsewhere or if I have stepped on anyones toes, it was just a thought.

    SO..... Waddya Think??
  2. Scented Midget

    Scented Midget New Member

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    That takes out the whole point of everyone being ready. Don't get me wrong, i like the idea it's just that if I need to fix up my custom class' a bit and saw there was 25 seconds left on the clock I would think there would be enough time to do so.
    And say 6 people out of 8 ready'd up, in your "proposition" this would make the game start in i'll just say 5 seconds due to 75% of people being ready. Thus giving me no time to change up my custom classes.

    IPUR3 EVIL New Member

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    I dont think ive seen it work yet, even when 12 people ready up.
  4. Gentleman

    Gentleman New Member

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    And the same goes for me too.
  5. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    I've never seen toggle ready to work.. even when Blitz when all 4 players toggle ready..
  6. Lotus Hunter

    Lotus Hunter New Member

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    Thats a good point... I didn't think about altering classes between games, I don't mess with them very often.

    I guess I was just trying to improve the likely hood of actually being able to skip the lobby wait time. Getting every single person in the lobby to cooperate is pretty difficult, even if they are ready.

    So the bigger issue here is that there needs to be a better balance for the ready system, what ever it may be. It has to allow sufficient time for class alterations if necessary while still being easy enough, within reason, to speed up lobby wait times.

    Maybe we are approaching this problem from the wrong angle. Maybe instead of starting with a long wait time and voting to either eliminate or reduce the wait time it would be better if we voted for more time. A "Not Ready" toggle if you will. So lobby with only 10 - 15 seconds and if someone toggles "Not ready" then increase the lobby time to the full wait time.

    and that sucks... I haven't even had the fortune of seeing 12 people ready up, let alone seeing it fail.
  7. adeadzombie

    adeadzombie New Member

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    Never seen the ready up work

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