Toggle-able transporting ui

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by tommybananas, April 11, 2014.

  1. tommybananas

    tommybananas Active Member

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    Hey guys was playing a game on a large planet and finally decided to give transports ago for moving my army around for attacks on multiple fronts! (had a quick scan and didn't see this in forums!)

    Any way i noticed that when i did the area load for my group of 100+ transports that amongst my tanks, and bots they were also nabbing fabbers as well! Which was fine at the time as it allowed me to set up some forward bases. The only downside was that as they had moved the bulk of my army and were then just transporting units fresh off the assembly lines, that to fill in empty slots they were also taking away the fabbers that i had assisting the factories which obviously is not something you want to happen mid to late game!

    Can we get a toggle-able sub icon (like we do for factories with the infinte build toggle ect) under the load icon for none fabbers / fabbers / all. That way we can have more control over what actually gets moved in the heat of the battle and not having to micro what picks up what from the base.

    Also on a side note i noticed that they were able to load my T2 air fabbers even when they were assisting my anti-nukes and so were therefore airborne im assuming that this isn't something thats meant to happen :p
  2. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    Not sure the exact implementation, but I like the idea.

    The transport functions and UI isn't quite finished.

    We don't have ferrying yet either. I'm really looking to having ferrying. Ferrying is going to change the game in a pretty big way.
    Remy561 likes this.
  3. eratosthenes

    eratosthenes Active Member

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    By ferrying, do you mean like setting up a spot to pick up and to drop off and the air units will just continue to pick up/drop off from those locations? So that you can have factories rallying at a load zone and have them transported to the front line automatically?
  4. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    That's exactly what I mean.

    Transports will automatically move back and forth and pick up and move units that go there.

    It'll be awesome.
    seanbo and emraldis like this.
  5. AestheticEnd

    AestheticEnd New Member

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    I think a better implementation would be to let the air transports assist movement. Example, you set an assist circle and give a move order to ground units in that circle. Then the air transports pick up the ground units and bring them to their(the ground units) destination.

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