I'm willing to help whoever wants help to get better with their classes, make builds, or just to play some games with. If you are entirely lost as to how you play, and refuse to look at a tutorial, I can go over some basics as well. Gamertag is AlphabetTaco; Send a message or friend request. I will reply whenever I notice it. As a sidenote I can provide minimal help for the gunner classes, and would be best at teaching someone to be a good assassin, sniper, or assault. Good day to whoever happens to read this.
Eh, any players in general who want to play. Don't gotta be new. And your tag can't be Apocalypse420.
i was going to troll your thread but instead i hope you can get more people into private matches and get a new wave of pros to play =D
I'm always looking for ways to improve my assassin and I'm just bad with the other classes. I'd love some help but if I remember right someone on the forums grouped you with Apocalypse420 :?
If you want good Assassin tips i say typical knave is a good choice but there are general tips a PM experienced assassin can give.
You had a fantastic first appearance in Private Matches last week. I'd suggest that you ask people in post-game lobbies what they think you could work on. Honestly, I don't think there's anything you're going to learn from Taco that you don't already know. No offense to Taco of course.
I can post some observations if you want about how I imagine a normal private match going down from an assassin point of view. First and foremost, the one thing I have learned that is most important from playing private matches is communication is absolutely, unequivocably key. In particular, you want to be talking to your tank any time you or they die. As the primary bot slayer, you need to be aware of where they are and how the other lane is doing as frequently as you can. Even if you're doing poorly, let your team know so they can try to assist. A match where you die a lot is not a death sentence for the assassin. A match where you don't communicate at all pretty much is. Also, you will die. A lot. If your K/D has any meaning to you play a lot of pubs, private matches won't be helping you out in the least. Okay, starting out, pick a lane at the beginning and push it as far as you can, ideally you want to be in one of the opposing bot spawns within 30 seconds to a minute of the game starting. Let your tank know which lane you're going in so they can keep an eye on the other lane for you and call out if they need you to come over. This is not saying pick one lane and stay in it the whole match, just pick one when you start to push aggressively. It is still your responsibility as an assassin to keep an eye on both lanes. As an assassin, you can build juice at a ridiculous pace. I find that if you can get that first juice without dying to clear out the enemy rockets at the start of the game, this can help tremendously. I have found matches that I have died before I was able to clear the enemy rockets leaves my team at a pretty stark disadvantage where their pushes don't make the ball because of a turret in the way allowing the other team to get to the bots and clear them out. Other uses for juice are to assist on a push if you feel you've got bots close to a breach(normally this is the only way you'll ever want to be near a tank) or to help push for the anni if your team has lost map control. Don't feel bad about holding onto it, but above all else, be aggressive with it. Nothing sucks more than dying with unused juice. Bots are your primary focus but don't feel like you can't pick up a kill or two when the situation presents it. This situational awareness tends to be what separates assassin skill because anyone can slay bots. Take a kill only if the situation is greatly in your favor. That gunner hopping around might seem like an easy target until his entire team jumps on you the moment you grapple him. Be aware. Prepare for the inevitable ball drop. It's going to happen. Don't panic. The best thing you can do when your ball is down as an assassin is to counter push the other lane(preferrably the one that wasn't breached, usually the tank/someone else is in that lane still from pushing the bots in.) Get in that other lane and do all you can to stay alive and push that other lane into their ball. There have been countless private matches where the ball has dropped and you can still come out with a win if you keep your head cool and play smart. Other than that, with only 4 maps in this game that are ever played in privates(really, 3, but spunky gets played sometimes.) you should know them inside and out. This game has been out for over a year so really nothing should be a surprise to you map wise. You're going to find you prefer some maps to others(I think LazorRazor is amazing) but the 3 key maps are pretty similar in layout. Watch out on Ammo Mule, the wide open spaces around the dome make it hard to push when the other team holds the top of it because they can see for miles. Steel Peel may seem like a death trap when you're pushed into your base and the other team is up in your window and it is for your slayers but as an assassin, it can be pretty easy to get behind them and stop bot flow for a bit to help ease the pressure on your team. I feel like that's a lot. There's probably stuff I forgot. Snarf had an excellent guide on assassins in private matches on the forum here and Shammas's guide to private matches remains relevant to this day even though he wrote it months ago. Read both, show up, communicate and be willing to take losses with a grain of salt and you'll do just fine. That first few times playing privates will seem terrible but once you play for a while with the community here you'll find everyone is pretty much cool and willing to help(except Chron2cle, he's a poser, the other Chronicle was better.)
LOL. I hate when people reference my guide for an assassin guide. That's a GREAT guide for playing a slayer assassin. This was written back in the Oxyteam days, and here's how I played assassin: 1) Slash strictly bots till I get my sword. 2) Go for kills on noobs/bad players who are just out of place, making them easy grabs. 3) Never go in past enemy lines/risk my K/D for just one kill. 4) Continue slashing bots, but only to get juice and then get lots of kills/turret kills. I would like to make a competitive assassin guide at some point; I don't think there's a good, detailed version out there right now that really covers how it should be played, and I'm a pretty good writer who also understands all the ins and outs of assassin. I still do think my guide is good for new players who just want to understand how to not die so much as an assassin and how to put up decent numbers in pubs...but half a year after I put that guide out when I started playing privates, I did very poorly until I changed my game up.
Wow, thanks for the info guys I really appreciate it . Most of the people I play with go as other classes so it's really nice to get advice from people who play assassin. @ Jon Thanks! I'm pretty sure it was beginner's luck.
Yeah, what he said. But replace communication with screaming obscenities and how awesome you are into the mic. That way you'll be golden. Also, never forget to bring the right assassin setup. I usually find that Gold Accuracy, Silver Reload, and Bronze Juice earns me the best results. This is how Deadpool rolls.
Damn straight. I even managed to win a private with it once. But fo realz', run either Gold Armor Silver RoF Bronze Clip Size and use dem shurikens, or use Gold Armor Silver Health Regen or Bronze RoF and never leave the bot lanes.
"Gold Armor Silver Health Regen or Bronze RoF" I'll give that one a try, I don't think I'm ready for the troll build yet :lol: At the moment I'm using gold armor, silver Rof and bronze clips size.
Thank you much for being a decent person, I'd love for this to continue, but I assume I will have no such luck. Either way, thank you sir.
Taco I need tips on playing the assault...got any? Btw my playstile relies heavily on jucing at least 9 times a match, punching bots, stacking that awesome KD by going only for kills. So if you got any tips, please try to work something along those lines. Thank you. <3