To my friends on MNC

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Luca Bligth, March 26, 2011.

  1. Luca Bligth

    Luca Bligth New Member

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    And anyone else who may remember me and enjoyed my company. I am currently going through some financial troubles among other problems and am unable to play. I no longer have the internet nor do I have the money top pay for it. This is the first chance I've had to go online to let any of my online friends know what's going on. I left rather abruptly and didn't have the opportunity to tell anyone what the deal was. I miss my LIVE friends and I miss MNC. I hope to be back on in the next coming months but that's a maybe. MNC is a great game and I can't wait to start playing online again. I hope no one minds if I post this here. I wasn't sure if I should post here or in Off-Topic. Anyway I will be back eventually, with a vengeance. :)

    Game On!
  2. Nova Warlord

    Nova Warlord New Member

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    Yo luca, we had some good games before. Hope everything works out for you , and you get back online asap . take care bro.

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