Does anyone else think there are far to many servers atm? 383 server of which 86 have a population. thats only 22%. What's with everybody wanting to host a server :lol: Don't get me wrong, this is not to whine of my servers being empty or anything, those are fine.(also hosting website on it so it doesn't matter) it just that alot of people seem to waste their money, and everyday there seems to be more and more servers. with the same amount of players.
It's ridiculous. I usually just sort by ping then look for servers with open slots. I usually find a bunch of completely empty ones or completely full ones. Or when I try to connect someone else connects before me. :T
Filter out full and empty servers, sort by ping, join the server with stock rules and lowest ping. If only there were a way to filter out all non-stock servers.
The fact of the matter is there are far too many people who don't want to be the one to start a server's population. They'd rather find a server with 1-3 slots open and join that. Couple that with people having "favourite" servers or rejoining ones in their history, and you have a large quantity of players playing on a relatively small quantity of servers.
could be worse.. could have too few servers.. or a bunch of bot filled servers, that trick you into joining.. honestly though the ones with lke 2 people in them.. join those.. they fill out fast..
Too many servers? Not enough people. Stop playing Black Ops Multiplayer and buy something better, you noobs.