To make the alliances and enemies more distinguishable?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by wstxbb, June 24, 2014.

  1. wstxbb

    wstxbb Member

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    Currently, I find many lobby with big map and player number. And for me it is not easy to remember which color is on my team (sometime they started just after I join in). I don't think it is a nice experience every time I have to remember teammates' colors, and I can't find where I can check in game(maybe I just not looking it carefully). So I think we can make a easier way for us to distinguish our teammates.

    For example we can make the Unit Icons fresh green for alliances and fresh red for enemies. Or we make back of the icon red for enemies, etc.

    There should have a better way to show us in game who is on my side without change the origin costume color.
  2. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    You can tell by the fact you have their sight range, also it would probably be a nice addition to do what supcom did, which is as you suggested. A button that allows you to see either team colors, or enemies red and teamates blue.
  3. wstxbb

    wstxbb Member

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    Sight range sometime is not really easy to tell, says in orbit. I made mistakes on judge the alliances by sight so I prefer to remember their color. How abort dynamic alliance? It is not practical to monitoring alliances' sight all the time to see whether they broke the alliance.

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