I sent an email to support about 3 days ago about, Titans not showing up on my steam account, I followed the FAQ to make sure all of my games were showing. How can I get this fixed? Thanks for your help.
Try it with the UberLauncher instead. Sometimes the linking between Steam and Uber fails for some reason. (I think it has to do with different e-mail addresses for the Uber account and the Steam account.) You can get the UberLauncher here: https://store.uberent.com/download/pa You may need to press [VERIFY] a few times for it to properly download. Also if it still doesn't appear to have Titans, go to Settings -> Gameplay and see if you have an Active Product setting there that you can set to Titans.
If you are a Kickstarter then send a message via Kickstarter for a faster response. The main support is overwhelmed.