Would be cool if you would post something like this, so we know (aproximately) when your are planing to "release" certain features. With best regards McNik
I doubt Uber know when things are going to be ready until just a few hours, or a day or 2 earlier, than when we get to see them. And if they spend time worrying about collating such information, and then answering criticism (spelt right?) and queries when the schedule isn't adhered to, there'll be even less time put into finishing the game.
Features are released when they're ready. Uber has said they don't post dates because people get unreasonably upset when target dates are missed. And targets are missed all the darn time! It's impossible to predict how long it takes to develop something. Development is like inventing something that didn't exist before. There's hurdles and obstactles that you can't predict - the only way you could predict them is if you've reached them before. If you've reached them before, then you can just copy-paste the code and, bang; your software is complete.
Pretty much what these guys are saying. Priorities are managed on a daily and sometimes hourly basis. Things shift and change constantly. We basically just try to keep everyone pointed in the same direction and set the high level goals. You'll know when we do Currently a not insignificant portion of the the team has been working on build distribution issues. Mac/Linux/32-bit windows/Steam/Launcher/Patching etc etc.