Having just read The Trenches trenchescomic.com the stories of the efforts some QA guys go through I'd like to say guys you're doing great work. If we're submitting duplicate bugs I'm sorry but we're only trying to help because you've created something special even in Alpha and we're just helping you make this as awesome as possible because it's such a fun game to play. I'll admit to being ignorant until I read stories of how hard you guys work 80 hours week near crunch time I've never worked that many hours so I'm proud of your passion for this game to have backed you guys to make it. Seriously you guys are awesome and to all the team at Uber please never stop being awesome. If I could afford to buy you guys a drink, I'd cross over the UK to do it Seriously a round of applause for all your hard work to everyone involved in this That and you updated the Alpha so quickly kudos to you all