Playing a couple pub games with Hawkshade and Pyre and there was this level 23 gunner on our team by the name of "XxCodplayerxX" (something along the lines of that) which just astounded me. The first thing he does, walks straight into the enemy base, trying to snipe a support with his mini and ends up being decimated by the other team. Second thing, he plows forward and kills bots (all while being shot at by the rest of the enemy team). "At least he's getting the objective," I said. Third, He walks into the enemy base AGAIN and this time he has juice. I was a little surprised at how fast he built juice. Then Pyre pointed out, "He bought juice! He still has his single mini!" And what does he do with the juice? Kills bots. And then dies. Again. Noob players can be funny I guess is the moral I'm trying to get across with this post.
Not to troll or nothing but theres a few players who do nothing but kill boss with classes that normally don't do that. A friend of mine peekies used to play like that as an assault. Also alot of players come from blitz mode and might not understand crossfire is a deathmatch version of blitz. Also alot of people who play this game are kids under 10.. they dont know better i guess
*defensive support of the year award* to this guy ^^^^ *beat deadeye in a public match* You sir are the best in the world!
I was like that the first crossfire game i played, i figured it was vital to kill bots, since i'd played so much blitz. That guy was probably a noob. If not then god help us all.