This is getting ubearable.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by An Artic Fox, November 21, 2010.

  1. An Artic Fox

    An Artic Fox New Member

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    Ever sense Uber told what was being fixed in the dlc like juice chaining,and i think the assassin not doing as much damage to turrets while juiced. Nearly everyone is exploiting them! If i play 100 games a day 90 of them will have 3 or 4 assassins juice farming so they can juice and destroy the turrets. or someone juice chaining 4 or 5 times! The corner sniping has ruined the sniping for me. somone should not be behind a wall on my screen yet thier scope on my head on thiers. its not fair and a cheap way to get a kill!...I just want this game to be as awesome and fun as it was when it first came out...those were the days. rarely was one team dominant over the other. it was fun and always a hard fought win. now...blowouts 99% of the time. Uber you made one heck of a game. One of the best! It's just people that degrade how much fun you have. No one buys turrets anymore. No one plays for the team. Its all "how many kills can i get before the game end on 3 minutes" Just today i went 3 kills to 3 deaths in a game where i played support. Wanna guess what I did? I GAVE SUPPORT to my team! The amount of people sending my hate and rage messages because i play sniper is ridiculous! I dont camp in my base and pop the turrets and pros. i go out side my base and do a sniper job! Hole back pros and kill bots using my traps to make sure some happy go lucky assassin does noe stab me. AND PEOPLE GET MAD AT THIS!! Its getting to be too much for me. I would set my privacy settings to private so i get no more hate mail. but I have met some of my now best friends on MNC. I'll end this topic by pleading: SOMEONE play with me! I am so tired of playing with pubs and no micers! I wanna win! and if I'm gonna lose i want it to be a loss they had to fight for! not one where thay sat on our spawn ring and kill farmed!
  2. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    **** yeah! :cool: :lol: :roll: :) ;) :D :p :!: :!: :!: :mrgreen:

    i stopped playing crossfire until updates. if they take a year, at least ill have 100000 buzzer kills to show for it. everyone wants to play like crap when they know they can. updates are taking forever, they are going to abuse every second they have until then. at least the bots will destroy the moneyball instead of waiting at my spawndoor to pyle me!!!

    and after update, i might still play blitz if super is any good. to hell with crossfire at this point. when it stops breaking my arm, and somebody stands up and plays with honor, then ill play. till then, cheap people can get their cheap k/d and brag about how it makes them good, while i enjoy the vacation from their everyday assanine presence.

    RAGE! grr! $15 game, and its damn good even if i only play blitz on it! still better than hit-releases
  3. Organous

    Organous Member

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    You and your sense of "honor." What skilled players have done is show what this game really is. For their premier game, I don't blame them for not hitting the bullseye on their intended design. I have zero doubt this is already an extremely educational experience for them, but I still find this game well-balanced. I hate that it effectively ends before the win, but there is definitely good strategy here. If you accept the game for what it is rather than what you want it to be, I think you'll enjoy it more.
  4. jaysofacton

    jaysofacton Active Member

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    I've noticed a lot more assassins aswell which is really annoying as I've only
    just started trying her out myself & I find her a very enjoyable character, not for juice chaining etc but she's just so damn good at tearing up bots. The only other one I'm any
    good at is support, and guess what - as well as 3 or 4 assassins the rest of the team is made up of supports :roll:
    As soon as the DLC comes out with south-paw controls I'll be trying the others out but
    until then Artic Fox I think we'll have to grin and bear it & just ignore the verbal abuse for supporting as a support.
  5. mintycrys

    mintycrys New Member

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    "honor" and "cheap" are two words that have no place on this forum.

    That having been said, the only real things I take issue with are Gunner effectiveness at a distance (and even that isn't so bad sometimes), and the juice heal bug. I've seen the juice heal bug frequency jump from every now and then to >50% of the time when going against juiced opponents. That's the only thing that is really ruining the game, as far as I can tell.
  6. Ian

    Ian New Member

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    He was actually saying that he gets hate mail for playing Sniper...
  7. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Amen to that.
  8. mute

    mute New Member

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    There's some serious selective memory going on here in the OP too.. the title update (current) version is alot better than the crap we had to deal with in the first version. The first version had tons of hacks/glitches/cheats and players could shoot the moneyball sheilds down all by their lonesome... dunno where you're getting this "good ol days" crap from. Things are much better now than they used to be. Maybe you're associating the idea that more people understand now how juicing works as compared to the first month when most people basically ignored it, it doesnt really have anything to do with the announced fixes.. its just more and more people playing the game long enough to go "oh, thats how its done".
  9. represent601

    represent601 New Member

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    without getting too into an argument I would like to say that while the first setup was very unbalanced it was that unbalanced-ness (yes I made up a word) that made it fun(for me at least) and now this patch fixed a lot of it, almost all of it. now they need to jump on the connection issues. uber is doing a good job at balancing the classes. and to me the assassin is the most fun class to play and I have no idea what the original post was about, I forgot about halfway through this mini rant so now I am just stalling. well anyways whoever started this topic, sorry, like i said I forgot; If you want, you can add me as a friend and I will be happy to play with you, I enjoy meeting new people and helping out beginners or anybody else for that matter.
    here is my gamer tag- xrepresent601x
    I get on whenever I have free time so add me if you want or anybody else who wants to play, just bring a good attitude or else I will leave I do not enjoy listening to people cry about people being better than them. sorry mini rant again.... :D

    well yeah, add me if ya want! ;)
  10. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    either way, nobody is tying me up and forcing me to play this game unpatched any longer. it may get tempting as so much time passes and the update still doesnt leave microsoft's cold-hearted hands, but i know im just going to break something if i have to play one more unpatched game of crossfire.

    so until somebody comes and hold a gun to my head and forces me to play crossfire, i do damn-right refuse. been playing fallout3, SFIV, and blitz-mode for over a week waiting for the patch to make this game something i desire to participate in. me jumping straight back into this game depends on wether or not it comes out in a week or two, and/or if SSFIV is really quite good.

    either way... patch = me playing crossfire again... no patch = me not playing

    in a way, if the patch never does come out (which i dont believe thats the case), then i may never play crossfire on mnc again...

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