**** this Game

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Sefam, January 26, 2011.

  1. Sefam

    Sefam New Member

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    That's pretty much the first thing I hear when I refer someone to this game and they play it a bit.

    Most of the time, the reason is the assassin insta-killing them. "THAT ******* ASSASSIN" they be calling it. And then they go back to playing Hat Fortress 2.

    As much as the tutorial makes you feel in control, the game feels like a clusterfuck when you join your first game, and as a result, the game is unappealing and turns new players away with insta-kill mechanics like the grapple.

    Can something be done about that? It'd be a shame to see this game not be successful because of the lack of game documentation/tutorials.
  2. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    Re: **** this Game

    There is game documentation, Locker room; go there.
  3. Sefam

    Sefam New Member

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    Re: **** this Game

    It's not interactive. And people do not want to READ to play a game. They will go back and play something more familiar to them.
  4. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    Re: **** this Game

    I think each class should have it's own tutorial. That said, I doubt people are going back to that other game purely because that got back-grappled once or twice - if that was the case, why would people continue playing that other game after their team-mate suddenly turned into an enemy and one-hit them? It took that other game about three years to implement a tutorial, and it did OK.
  5. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    Re: **** this Game

    There are videos too.
  6. Sefam

    Sefam New Member

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    Re: **** this Game

    But the content NEEDS to be within the game itself. The player shouldn't have to reach out to understand the content.

    Maybe videos IN the game?
  7. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    Re: **** this Game

    There was a time in videogaming where it was considered a good thing that you had to learn a game in order to play it well, just sayin'
  8. SvartfaR

    SvartfaR Member

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  9. zerj

    zerj New Member

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    Re: **** this Game

    I think a really good idea would be to add to the assault tutorial how to handle an assassin. Personally with all the other in game noise it took me a while to notice the assassin hum.

    So a quick 30 second thing that lets you listen as a cloaked assassin gets near you and perhaps showing that pressing the fly key will prevent grapples would be a good idea.
  10. nickeboy

    nickeboy New Member

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    Re: **** this Game

    Nice description of TF2!

    Every online game is confusing at first. MNC is a lot more forgiving than TF2 was when it first launched. "WHY CAN'T I RUN THROUGH THIS ENGINEE- ****." "WHAT IS THAT BEEPING SOU- ****." "I wonder what that red dot does... ****."
  11. traitormagnus

    traitormagnus Member

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    Re: **** this Game

    Who are you talking to? MNC is the third top-seller on Steam right now, and my friends list is full of people that actually play the game. The beta community was vibrant and active and that has transferred to the release from where I'm sitting; even my shitty server on my home cable connection is full within minutes of me starting it up.

    Here you go!
  12. sunnydove

    sunnydove Member

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    Re: **** this Game

    There are YouTubers like myself trying to improve players (both old and new) through commentary. This makes me think I should do a sort of "quick tip" or "101" series to help players at the very least understand the big do's and don'ts of MNC.

    Players that want to get into the game will seek out videos and guides to improve but the reality is that many people will not enjoy getting steamrolled right out of the gate. However, I do NOT want balance changes to remove one-hit kills from sniper or assassin just because new players are whining.
  13. zerj

    zerj New Member

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    Re: **** this Game

    Thanks, I think I was listening for the wrong sound and I don't even usually have a problem with assassins.
  14. Rammite

    Rammite New Member

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    The funny part is how they rage out of one backstab-filled game into another, equally backstab-filled game. If they don't rage at the Spy, don't hate the Assassin. and if they do, uuwaaah. cry some more.

    I agree - The tutorial really makes you feel completely in control. Then you step into crossfire, and get swept by the current.

    I think they should at least recommend a newer player to play exhibition, to let them get used to a real match, even if it IS the easiest match in the game.
  15. FB Zombie Chaos

    FB Zombie Chaos New Member

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    Re: **** this Game

    TBH, I didn't even play crossfire untill I was about level 23 or something. Played Blitz until I found a class I liked.

    Crossfire didn't seem to bad my first time in....
  16. Warskull

    Warskull New Member

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    Re: **** this Game

    That would probably be helpful, especially a "how to deal with assassins" segment.

    The game is currently pulling a solid 2k concurrent players. Almost every server up is full at most times.

    Remember if people really hate getting one-shot back grappled they can play tank or gunner with gold armor.
  17. st0nedpenguin

    st0nedpenguin New Member

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    Re: **** this Game

    People nowadays are so lazy.

    As little as a few years ago ingame tutorials didn't even exist, instruction manuals were two pages of credits, and it took a degree in computer science to even install and configure your games. Nowadays it's all herp derp play this game for me because I can't be bothered learning how to myself.

    Part of the fun of a new game is the learning experience, and the learning curve of this game is one of its best features. If people aren't willing to give it a proper shot, then that's their loss.
  18. dustoff

    dustoff New Member

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    Big problem is with every game is that people expect to become experts when they first play it. Kills the fun for me if it was too easy.

    Whats wrong with exploring all the aspects of the game , the different chars and what they do.
  19. univern72

    univern72 New Member

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    Re: **** this Game

    This game is substantially easier to pick up than TF2. I admit at first I had no idea why I was dying, but after like an hour I was fine. The mechanics of each class in TF2 are substantially more complicated. I see no serious problems with this game other than it needs more maps and content. :D
  20. Jackal Queenston

    Jackal Queenston New Member

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    Re: **** this Game

    Words cannot describe the amount of QQing in this thread. Get over it and just keep playing, just like you and I did on TF2. Like magic, you'll get better, but not if you keep holding onto this negative 'this game sucks' attitude. That just makes you less willing to play it and more willing to let it go.

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