This game needs cats!

Discussion in 'Uber Entertainment Discussion' started by Col_Jessep, August 11, 2009.

  1. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    No, hear me out, I'm serious!

    Wouldn't it be nice for an ingame sequence or intro to start with a close-up of white Persian cat and a hand with a large golden ring? Then you zoom out and see the cat sitting in the mascots lap. You can take it even further and make it into a running gag or something. There are so many cute, stupid, funny and WTF things a cat can do, I'm sure you can think of a bunch in under a minute.

    I think it might be worth a few lulz and make the mascot even creepier than he is already. What do you think?

    Or if you think the cat might make the mascot to likable, give a little dog to the Heavy (I don't know what else to call him atm) and a kitten to the pit crew girl or the spy lady.

    Hell, you could even have an achievment or two implemented for somthing. We all know the comics of TF2. Now ask yourself: how much more could you do if you had a kitten and a little dog in the game...

    Btw, there are a good bunch of people on the intertube who love cats and I think they would approve. It would probably boost the hits on Youtube and stuff too and word of mouth/free advertisement never hurts a new company, right... ;)
  2. Cheapy

    Cheapy New Member

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    "Lolcatz the Videogame."

    Think of how many people would purchase it just for the title! Even if they're confused by it, they'll have still given you their money. It's genius!
  3. eetmorsqrls

    eetmorsqrls New Member

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