1. Need greater colour contrast between units and the environment. The units blend into the environment too much on some biomes. Maybe a contrasting outline like Borderlands? 2. Currently orbital distance is the same no matter what size the planet. This doesn't make sense. Smaller planets would have much less gravity so the orbital distance shouldn't be so high. And some planets or moons (i.e. earth's moon) have very weak almost non existent gravity. There also needs to be a better way to manage the orbital layer. There needs to be a hotkey or something that switches you to an orbital management view. Maybe the orbital later can be more like Homeworld? 3. The landscape is too curved. It doesn't feel like you fighting are on a planet. It's more like a bowling ball. Maybe when you zoom in on the action the landscape could become more flat? I'm not sure how you would program this, but I'm sure it could be done. This would give a better view of the action up close. Earth is a curved planet (stating the obvious) but when down on the ground you can't tell that it is curved.
Uber is currently working on polish, i'm sure these fixes/tweaks will be discussed. I agree with all points. Number 3 is kinda debatable, the earth is much much larger and the ground 'units' like trees or cars are much smaller in proportion.