1. Sometimes skills "break". That is, they are unable to be used at all, the skill button will go down but the skill will not activate. This generally happens with the blue skill. At first I thought it was just me/my shift key. After checking this on mutiple computers and with different people i found out it isn't. -This is especially annoying for classes like the Sin and Support, where the blue skill plays a pretty vital role. 2. Assasins are pretty hard to play as. At first i was pretty good, but i noticed any time my connection is a bit over 100 ping grapplying people is near impossible. I'll have to frap it sometime, but i grab people for 5 seconds and then they finally notice me, shoot me, and I die. I guess a bit farther grappling range would be nice. -Another thing is the cloak. You are pretty much completely visible when moving, some say its "loud" but i hardly notice. I do however know that you are hardly ever invisible. You can easily spot sins at medium range while cloaked. 3. Supports Supports are pretty much the easiest class imo.(i play sup) They have airstrikes that constantly charge, they have shotguns vs. any close threat and a turret that out dps's pretty much any class vs. pros.
1. Yes, it happens. Fortunately very rarely but it would be nice if it could be fixed. 2. Before the health nerf in the last two patches you had a decent chance to get away anyway, that's a lot harder now. Set your serverlist to filter servers that are >100ms if you want to play Assassin. Best way to get a kill is to grapple an opponent who doesn't move. Wait for a few seconds if you have to. Avoid Assassin vs. Assassin whenever possible. Luck and ping decides the result of that battle more often than not. 3. If you feel comfortably save as Support you might want to play more aggressive. Try to support your teammates close to the enemy base, leave your firebase at a spot where it will farm bots for you and go after bots and players.
Oh another thing, the server search. Pulls up nothing. Best part is that sometimes its just a "change to blitz then back" glich, sometimes its just outright broken. ---------------------- On Sins: Yeah, cept any competent player realizes that always moving is important.
Another weekend buyer who thinks he or she rocks at Assassin? Why do they always do this? Dont ask them to change Assassin to suit your ways. Make your ways suite Uber Entertainments Assassin. Whatever problem you think Assassin has is really your problem. Assassin is my second character (after Tank) and I dont have these problems. My Steam friend gets in a bind with uneven teams, invites me to the game, I pick up Assassin and go 9-0-0 (sorry about those assists guys!), push the enemy back, get the most bot kills, break the Money Ball, and hammer it with shurikens until we win. The game was completely turned around and won in 5 minutes. Dont think you have figured out any of the classes in the short time you have played. Get to level 200 before you talk about the balance of any given class. Yes you need to stay moving and yes you are somewhat easy to see while you are moving. Learn to switch between two modes: #1: Killing bots. Be aware of enemy positions so you can avoid them. They can see you while you are slashing bots and while you are running between lanes cloaked. But it doesnt matter because you are the fastest player and can escape the danger. And remember your slash does more damage from behind, so always attack bots from behind. #2: Stalking nuisance pros. #1 should be your main, but sometimes you can really help your team by taking out a sniper or other special-case players who really need to be handled. Learn how to stalk them, not just by running up and lunging/grappling. Pay attention to the locations of ice traps. Take unorthodox paths to the Sniper where he would not have dropped traps. Lunge from behind without your cloak. Your cloak just alerts them to your presence. There are tons of ways to lure people around a corner and then come up from behind them. Assassin does not have a problem. Use your head and overcome, and most importantly accept that these classes (Support and Assassin) are more complex than you could have possibly figured out in the time you have played. I still assume there are more things for me to learn about them. That being said, Assassin is more difficult with a higher ping, but once again it just comes down to your ability to adjust. Grappling is impossible? Then stop grappling. I played on a 320 ping with some people here. I dealt with it by focusing almost entirely on bots and turrets, which worked out fine. I only grappled their Sniper, which works because he isnt moving and ice traps dont work on high-ping players (teehee). Otherwise, RUN. L. Spiro
obviously they do if you had to write near a page to try and prove me wrong lol. If they didn't you'd just say "no they dont" and move on. Fact that you think you have to justify it with a page kinda proves you know there are things that could be fixed.
No. That is just L-Spiro's way. She likes to talk a lot a say very little. No offense, right L-Spiro? It's funny how you say the Assassin is kind of hard to play yet the new players complain and complain about being killed by her over and over again and how overpowered she is even though Pro slaying isn't her main role.
dont you just love how a newbie comes in and tells all the veterans how things should be and that we have been doing it wrong all this time
Hey, hey, he's a godlike assassin, better than me actually. I saw him playing. He got both of our turrets down in like 10 minutes. Don't you dare call him the N-word.
i shall bow down to your wisdom oh great one as 2 turrets in 10 min would take epic skillz sjwho2 please teach me in the ways of sin
My trick doesn't count ? Well Uber gave us that trick... just check "Monday Night Combat: Assassin Scouting Report"
You are strange. Most of my post was advice on how to improve your game so that you would, someday, realize Assassin has no problems. Check out Obsydianytes guide. viewtopic.php?f=18&t=7196 Though meant for Xbox 360, in it can be found a lot of sound advice which with I agree even in regards to the PC platform. But it is not just skill at Assassin specifically that makes you a good Assassin (or a crap one). It is your general ability to keep an eye on enemy positions, predict which areas of the map are about to become unsafe and leave before they do, and to identify current threats (a Firebase has your team stuck in its base areabeing healed but just needs one more clip to diebut behind you a Gunner is dangerously low on health and retreating from a few Slimbots who may kill him before he can reload unless you take them out (Slam also recharging). Pop quiz, hotshot: What do you do? What do you do?). These things make you better at every class, and they are not something you can master in a month or even 2. Ever wonder how people can go 29-0? Even if the other team is newbie, they will get caught off guard before reaching 29-0 if they dont really have a good sense of awareness. Part of it learning Assassin and part of it is just learning the game. Get over yourself and admit to yourself that you dont rock with Assassin, Support, or any other class. But you can in the future if you change your attitude and keep playing. L. Spiro
I slow down time put a clip into the firebase, run to the gunner, smokebomb and slash the bots and heal him with my charisma (aka lady parts).
i believe vlane has moved beyond **** and is now ranked as a **** edit it seems a said a bad word that starts with c