These people are CRAZYYYYYYYYY!

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by pipilek, September 1, 2012.

  1. pipilek

    pipilek New Member

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    O my GOD, I have never seen so many ideas about the game as I can see here. Really, people want this game to be SO MUCH AWESOME and like in real life. People want PLANETS EVOLVING (forest/volcanos/flooding) so many realism and so many good STUFF! I HOPE all good ideas will be in da game. NEXT IDEA: very good as I think, to make a tower defense mode in the game. very good idea, try with friends def vs waves of enemies. NAVIs,GIANTS, so many stuff here (orbital towers). I hope all good stuff will be implemented, and I have to say, I have never seen in other any game that people would require so many things like in here. They want ALL THIS STUFF to IMPROVE that game, IT"S AWESOME! I have to say.NEXT IDEA: terrain make you more stealthy, which is very good idea, but what about radars? I don't know what to think about it, but it is still good idea. yeah, make this game AWESOME UBER, Good Luck Guys!

    PS. Guys you have to watch it :D It will scare you. ... ure=fvwrel
    Last edited: September 1, 2012
  2. neophyt3

    neophyt3 Member

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    What can I say? Life is more exciting when you are crazy.
  3. allot

    allot Member

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    It's PA we are talking about here. To summarize it, the developer and the fans click the link in my signature. (4sec long)
  4. al3xtec

    al3xtec Member

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    I can only speak for myself but I have been playing TA for almost 14 years. Since I'm 22 that is the majority of my life and my entire childhood. Now there is going to be a true sequel that can take full advantage of my custom rig with multiple planets...I have waited a long time for this. This truly is fan service to developer and gamer alike and the fact that our voices are being heard will make the first opening sequence, commander death and skirmish, that much more glorious because we help create it. I cant thank you fellow fans and uber to keep it together till alpha. haha

    PS. would love some type of tower defense game.
  5. ooshr32

    ooshr32 Active Member

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    The size comparisons are not even half the story for a 'realistic' solar system, let alone galaxy, add in the distances:

    Add what the sun looks like from each, let alone trying to observe and inner planet from an outer one, or vice versa:

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