These forums were good...

Discussion in 'Uber Entertainment Discussion' started by BroTranquilty, February 28, 2011.

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  1. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    These forums were good at one time. I am not blaming anyone in particular. I am blaming the situation as it is, and there may be several parts to it.

    I am removing all the names from my block list as of now, because I do not plan on coming to the forums again in the near future.

    What happened here? When did a few forum member's fun become repetitive flaming, post that do nothing but call out and degrade, yet do not contribute. That is literally 40% of the forum content. IT IS AGAINST THE RULES.

    Why can't everyone use the forums? When did it become personal property of 12-18 users? How were they allowed to bar other users, ruin other teams, and still not punished in any way. Threads were locked, was the extent of the damage. Warnings may have been handed out, this would be nice to believe so I will. Fact remains, this is still a flame fest.

    Do not take this the wrong way. In one hand, I may still keep in touch with teams and players, may still play this game. In the other hand, these forums are losing their use for anything but inciting fights. I dislike fights, I know how to fight in case I need to. There is no need here. So do take this the right way; I am not a part of a forum that simply wishes to fight.

    I may check up in the future. C'mon Uber, Moderators, Forum Members in general. I will not support this game strongly if it cannot prevent this crazy crap on it's developer-supported forums. It was a nice buy, and that is what it will be left at. I may play, but I will not log into the forums as long as I see them like this. I will be very cautious of purchasing a sequal or another release from this development team with the same community. Hell, I would even like to stay with the PC community, if they weren't the other extreme, and if I knew moderators were willing to ban trolls that would follow me and mock me in a forum section they don't even belong in.

    This is happening too much. People quitting. I am only one person, the last guy who did it was only one person too. We have a few friends, they will not likely get good feedback of the community. That is only a couple of handfuls right there. This is, however, an exponential problem. This can't be the trend, the 12 forum members currently in charge of most everything are not going to fund a good enough effort to replace hundreds becoming thousands becoming a million.

    I know it is the same damn arguement everyone uses, but I am seriously fed up. This used to be the cheapest yet best game out there; Now it is simply the cheapest. That is good in itself, why not. However, I am able to afford other titles, I will definitely do so if it presents a better experience, if I can find some defence in a posting community, and if I can find players that aren't regressive.

    Good luck with these problems. Maybe fixed one day, sooner or later, or maybe not at all. We will see.
  2. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Let me ask you this, or anyone for that matter, what would you change and do if you were a "mod?"
  3. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    I'd make the character limit on posts WAY smaller.
  4. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    What happens in the case of a user wanting to write up a Pro guide?
  5. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    Sorry. I meant this...
  6. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    i suggest a new thread in the announcements section regarding this topic. go discuss in your super-cool cool kids club( mods only section).
  7. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    Oh the sweet taste of jealousy. We have an espresso machine, free beer and booth babes in the mod forum. If you only could see it... :mrgreen:
  8. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    The acolyte threw himself flat on the ground, the hood of his rough hessian robe covering his recently-shaved head.

    "My Lords, I wish to become a member of this noble and powerful community" he stuttered.

    The Green Men fixed their beady eyes on him.

    "Are you willing to use any tournament-legal move to win?" asked Organous the Scroll-Reader.

    The acolyte scratched the stubble on his head. "Do we have, like, a list of tournament-legal moves? Is breaking out of ice-traps as an Assault, or using a rapid-fire controller to remain semi-invisible as an Assassin consi-"

    "ANSWER THE QUESTION, PATHETIC WORM!" screamed Organous, spittle flecking the corners of his mouth.

    "Yes, my Lord".

    Master Polynomial stepped forward from the shadows, gently removing his oversized headset and placing it upon the rough oaken table. However, before he could speak, General IM HUDSON crashed through the door and hurried to his throne.

    "I apologise, my...job keeps me...on the road."
    Dead Stretch - so-called because of his penchant for prolonging the demise of unfortunate forum members - massaged his temples.
    "With all due respect Hudson, we are running out of places to hide the bodies."
    "The only reason you were placed on this council was because of my...job!" retorted Hudson. DeadStretch stood angrily to his feet, plaiting his beard in rage. Colonel Jessop gently pushed him back to his seat.

    "Gentlemen, please. We must finish the initiation."

    All this time the acolyte had stared open-mouthed and aghast at the petty drama unfolding before him. If this was how the Green Men behaved, what of the other members? He could see them in the blackness behind the Green Men's thrones, attempting to set each other on fire and repeatedly kicking two of their kind in the head.

    Suddenly, all the Green Men turned in unison toward him.

    "Acolyte, what think you of Cup of Rage?" the enunciated as one.

    "Well, they're trying to get more competitive teams toge-"

    The rabble behind the Green Men began shrieking and snarling in their peculiar tongue. Suddenly, they dragged the two members they had been focusing their aggression on into the light and began chanting - AIRSTRIKE SPAWN AIRSTRIKE SPAWN AIRSTRIKE SPAWN - throwing the two unfortunates to the ground. The Green Men's beady eyes glittered as one of the two dragged himself to his feet, adjusting what remained of his round sunglasses.

    "I was once a Brother, as tranquil as any of my order", he began. "However, this society has become infested with arsonists and jesters, and I will not stand fo-"

    Jessop cuffed him around the head. "Fool! As your post count grew, so to did your delusions of grandeur. You even dared an attempt to join the Green Men!"

    The chant died away and was replaced by another - OLD MEMES NO FUNNY OLD MEMES NO FUNNY OLD MEMES NO FUNNY.

    "And, with your conspirator" - Jessop pointed to the crumpled heap on the ground - "you attempted to force a schism in the society. Brother, we would laugh if only you weren't so unfunny."

    The mob rushed to the acolyte, showering him with terrible images of the Brother in a state of undress. A bucket of tar was poured over the Brother. The realisation of what he had to do hit the acolyte. He steeled himself, muttered a prayer to the 12-18 Users, and began to paste the images onto the Brother's tar-seared flesh.

    If this thread is still open later today, I'll totally finish this.
  9. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    You have done well, acolyte. Remain and work while my brothers and I shall ride out and hunt. We heard dreadful word, the Brothers of Tranquil have risen in the north and try to flee the Realm! By my mouse and keyboard, they shall not succeed!

    ---------------------------------------Ash Uber durbatulk, ash Uber gimbatul,
    ---------------------------------Ash Uber thrakatulk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.
  10. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    What happened to these forums? DeadEye and PeachyPony stopped trolling. People on forums have to rip on something, and these guys were my favorite trolls. I see we give them mod immunity and let them run rampant. Then these would be the best forums ever.
  11. Runie

    Runie New Member

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    Sorry bro, but I've had a pretty good time and will always recommend this game to my friends. And also yours as well to counteract your bad mouthing
  12. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    I'm sorry if you feel trolls have brought you down, but opening a thread about toxic users isn't a good way to approach it.
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