The whiny B!t(# clan

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Clans, Team, and Tournamen' started by mncboxsox, December 19, 2013.

  1. mncboxsox

    mncboxsox Active Member

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    I am considering starting up a new clan. Be warned, the purpose of this clan will be unlike any ever seen before. We will do the stupidest, most insane things ever seen in MNC. Things like bot spawn camping at our own bot spawn and only building shave ice turrets. everyone going sniper and then throwing our flack in the middle of the group for mass suicides. The goal of this clan will be to confuse the hell out of anyone who joins the game we are in. I'll keep everyone posted of it's creation if we get enough people who just want to mess with others.
  2. feedle

    feedle Post Master General

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    awsome! sign me up
  3. mncboxsox

    mncboxsox Active Member

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    1 cultist down, 7,200,554,412 people left to go (yes I actually checked the estimated world population for that number).
  4. mncboxsox

    mncboxsox Active Member

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  5. mncboxsox

    mncboxsox Active Member

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    I have added some of the current corporate vacancies within the clan.
  6. mncboxsox

    mncboxsox Active Member

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    I would apologize for annoying people by re-posting things instead of replacing them in the original post but that would go against the ideals of the WBC.
  7. mncboxsox

    mncboxsox Active Member

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    Because the "Title Miss-Management Manager" is so lazy, I have changed and expanded their duties.
  8. mncboxsox

    mncboxsox Active Member

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    Here is the updated roster with the new clan positions added. WBC Updated Roster.png
  9. mncboxsox

    mncboxsox Active Member

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    I finally locked down the different roles within the clan and actually made an org chart. In all honesty I am somewhat surprised that only one person wants to completely screw with peoples heads. Oh well, If Feedle and I have to, with a little practice, I am sure that the 2 of us can play just as bad as any 6 people in the other team.

    Whiny B!t(# Clan Revised Org Chart.png
  10. pepsiremake

    pepsiremake New Member

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    im in i lost my pepsi remake account so id be level 1 but msg Qoeo
  11. mncboxsox

    mncboxsox Active Member

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    Is there any specific role you would like fill. We really need to find the right people for the V.P. and the Director of absurdity. If you feel you could excel at one of those roles, just say the word. We need to get an induction video to post so that should be fun.
  12. mncboxsox

    mncboxsox Active Member

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    Send me a message so I know its you and a friend request with your new account.
  13. mncboxsox

    mncboxsox Active Member

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    Apparently I was smoking crack without realizing it. I'll send you a request.
  14. donttazerme

    donttazerme New Member

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    I'm down! Can i be the human shield?
  15. mncboxsox

    mncboxsox Active Member

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    The president of the WBC is proud to induct into its organization donttazerme as the human shield. His patented face to fist technique will be a versatile weapon in our arsenal. Expect his induction video soon (unless I'm too busy getting smacked around in crossfire).
  16. mncboxsox

    mncboxsox Active Member

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    The new org chart for the clan. I will add Pepsi Remake once he chooses a role within the clan to fill. the chart also now incorporates the coveted F-ME designation for founding members.

    WBC Org Chart.png
  17. mncboxsox

    mncboxsox Active Member

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    To consolidate everything I am adding the updated roles and responsibilities of the clan and it's induction requirements to this thread. Hopefully, this will be the last thing anyone ever sees that makes any kind of sense from the clan.

    Clan Member Roles and Responsibilities

    President -
    The responsibilities of the president include but are not limited to: Ensuring that the core ideals of the clan are strictly followed and never forgotten. To maintain the exceedingly high standards through example of the clans founding principles. to constantly re-evaluate the direction the clan is moving in and to disrupt it whenever possible.

    V.P. of Operation - To assist the President in making the clan look as bad as possible (especially to those who are not aware of the clans standards or goals).

    V.P. of Senseless Censored Profanity - To craft truly crafty responses containing as many symbols and substitutes as possible (they do not even have to follow any logical patter or represent real words). Will upon occasion be called upon to send screaming messages telling others how they kicked our butts and other non-conforming communique.

    Director of Disinformation Services - Record and post videos of the clan to YouTube (preferably with audio commentary that will drive viewers insane).

    Director of Absurdity - Responsible for devising new ways to astound and confuse players (confusing the WBC will earn extra kudos).

    Title Miss-Management Manager - We here at the WBC believe that everyone should be equally degraded regardless of ability. With those high moral standards in place the "Title Miss-Management Manager" will ensure that every new inductee is given a title that will help them stand out in the MNC universe. This title MUST be something that the initiate can take great pride in and must adhere to the high standards of the clan. Upon finding a particularly offensive opponent the "Title Miss-Management Manager" will create one for said opponent. Any communication by the clan about said opponent must forever more utilize the new title with the persons actual handle with the goal of getting others not in the WBC to use said new title without thought.

    Expendable Ensign - The sole job of the expendable ensign is to run around like a mad man shooting everyone and every thing (even his own team) in order to cause confusion and to get the opposing team to chase them around for no real reason.

    Wall Fodder - To get the turrets to kill them instead of our bots. It would definitely give the team nice warm fuzzy feeling if we were to win a match while doing as horribly as possible because the bots took out their Moneyball without us taking out a single turret or player.

    Human Shield - To take one for the team… and one for their team also. The Human Shield should be throwing themselves at the enemy team with wild abandon. If the Human Shield is doing their job properly, the opposing team should think that there are three people with that name in the match. Special props will be awarded to the Human Shield should an opposing player earn an UBER Streak off of them.

    Clan Membership Levels

    Founding member title:
    the first 5 inductees will be awarded a completely worthless founding member title (designated F-ME) that they can proudly attach to anything that nobody will ever care about.

    Platinum level: A video that will be posted on the WBC YouTube channel of you obtaining a "GUBER" Streak (25 deaths / 0 kills).

    Gold level: A video that will be posted on the WBC YouTube channel of you and another WBC hopeful pulling off a double suicide in front of opposing players (i.e. double flack or bomb deaths).

    Silver level: A video that will be posted on the WBC YouTube channel of you doing something so stupid that someone sends you an xbox message (with a picture of the message) asking what the hell it was that you were doing / thinking.

    Bronze level: A video that will be posted on the WBC YouTube channel of an incredibly asinine move on your part resulting in your own death.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: January 18, 2014
  18. donttazerme

    donttazerme New Member

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    Wo0t! uber streak via melee? come at me bro!
  19. leov1993

    leov1993 Post Master General

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    Aww man I see human shield was taken :( Can I get in as wall fodder?
  20. mncboxsox

    mncboxsox Active Member

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    Definitely, apparently that one is becoming a very coveted position. Fear not everyone, as we begin to rock the MNC universe with our unique gaming style, we will all have plenty of chances to fulfill the various roles within the clan.

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