The Uber Forums

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by joker, June 3, 2011.

  1. joker

    joker Active Member

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    The uber forums are basically divided into 2 sections.

    The majority of the games population plays and loves publics, they play to win, because they are disinterested in the competitive side. I get that, i respect that. I have played games where i enjoyed publics and didnt care competitively myself.

    Then there is the side to which i draw concern to. More people than you think are into this game competitively. Just because someone does not play in private matches, tournaments, etc, does not mean they dont play competitively and look to always win, that would just be stupid to believe. Anyone who plays MNC knows there are assassins who always play to win, Assaults who look to juicechain, and Gunners who just run over the average team.

    In any game with competitive nature, there WILL BE TRASH TALKING. Its the nature of every shooter i have played. These forums moderate way too strictly for a game that is competitive in its nature. The game is called monday night combat, not monday night book club. Most people who have been banned are accused of being "egotistical" or "demeaning" etc, but realistically, the stuff i have read on these forums is tame and childs play compared to other shooters, other forums where u dont get banned for such behavior.

    Grand Prize asserted themselves as the villains of monday night combat, which was fantastic if you think about it. Everything in this world that is competitive needs its villains: the New York Yankees, the Miami Heat, to even Rik Flair. Villains bring together communities to overcome the villain, which is awesome. Everyone wanted to beat GP badly because of their attitudes, but interest was shot down because half the team was banned, competition on the forums faded, and the Jeesports league crumbled. Games where everyone gets along and is fine and dandy are boring. I dont think everyone should hate each other, but tension and rivalry breeds competition which makes the game more fun for those that seek it. Banning all of GP and other "egotistical" forum members just brushes the problem under the rug, it solves nothing, and is honestly ridiculous.

    I agree, some people deserve to be banned. Relentless harassment toward specific and undeserving targets, but if one guy talks trash and another recipricates, its fair game. This is a forum, yes i know kids play this game, but those 9-10 year olds are most likely not on these forums.

    The proposed solution, set aside a distinct forum for those who wish to talk competitively. No i dont mean the team/tourney thread, that thing is barely used. i mean MNC general & MNC competitive. Lets be realistic, the egotisticals are often provoked, they are not entirely at fault. example, someone suggests an assault build, an egotistical says no this is a better build, then a third party comes in and attacks saying how nobody cares about your competitive build blah blah, this happens all the time but of course the 'known' player looks bad because he just got baited by some idiot with 10 posts and no prestige. Hell you could even prevent the former banned from speaking in general if it causes such a problem, but really what is the harm in giving those people a second chance? People have gotten parole for much worse than telling someone how much they suck at MNC or padding post counts.

    This will be the last time i bring this issue up. But it should be good food for thought. It is a shooter game, there will be trash talk, there will be discrepencies, and there will be people who simply dont care. Separate them, encourage each, and you would be amazed at the results. Who knows u might even see some people u hated turn around if given the opportunity to help the lesser skilled people. Shammas is doing it with his guide and hes been banned forever, but wants to see a game he really likes keep going. And to be honest, since the spunky update, its been people like him helping the game move forward more than the people who actually work for MNC.

    Give it a shot, what do you have to lose? After all you have the trigger finger to immediately remedy any repricussions

    Edits after zatch's post. Was in a rush to eat dinner, left out some stuff + grammatical errors
    Last edited: June 3, 2011
  2. x Zatchmo

    x Zatchmo New Member

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    Damn son, sounds like an English paper.

    Good sh*t though.
  3. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    You seem to not know why the banned were banned. PM incoming of the exact post of why a few were banned.
  4. iX Torment

    iX Torment New Member

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    I don't understand why ppl get banned for post padding. Who cares if a guy has a couple thousand posts? It's not affecting anything...
  5. x Zatchmo

    x Zatchmo New Member

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    It's annoying...
  6. joker

    joker Active Member

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    i know why just about all of them we're banned, most were suicide posts because friends of friends kept getting banned or suspended for lame reasons, also people made imposter accounts posing as people like miracle just digging a deeper grave but he has only made 1 proxy account since his ban
  7. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    Nothing is stopping any of you from making a competitive forum with any and all rules your hearts desire and advertising it here in your sig or in an appropriate thread. Hell, if you guys make it, i'll STICKY it in the strategy and tactics section.

    Most of the people your post is likely talking about ASKED to be banned. I have zero interest in bringing them back. I respect everything they may contribute to the skill cap of this game, but they all can use a class or two in marketing/image control to increase their competitive player base they seem to care so deeply about. Make you own forums, send me the link, and I'll advertise/endorse it/do a long write up about it why everyone should join up and get better. You won't have to worry about any interference from overbearing uber mods, and we won't have to read insignificant drama associated with most of the people that are asking to be unbanned. Everyone wins.
  8. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    the way you worded your post it sounds like you win.
  9. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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  10. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    don't be racist color has nothing to do with it. you'd still win regardless
  11. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    I think me winning would involve me banning every single person on the forums just to see if MNC would instantly die, since everyone seems to put this place at the center of the MNC universe.
  12. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    winning sounds a lot like being a ****
  13. joker

    joker Active Member

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    i think we will do that if you will sticky it. thanks
  14. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    An interesting social experiment, good luck!

    Just keep one thing in mind when you make a forum where trash talking is allowed: Make sure not to bring any flame wars here. What happens in Vegas... ;)
  15. Undercover_Thudercat

    Undercover_Thudercat New Member

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    First of all, I do realize that you guys are making an effort to work harder towards bringing the community together and increasing the number of people in the competitive level of this game. Thanks for that.

    Playful trash talk is a part of all competition, and is not exclusive to video games. You guys just overdid it, and spent much more time putting down than being constructive. That's why so many people had a problem with you.

    That being said, these forums have always been too strict, but I can understand why the banned have been banned. I also think that people on my side of the spectrum should have been banned, as well. It's amazing I wasn't banned for trolling MLGIntervention.

    Of course, if I was, I'd just make a new account that subtlely name dropped Snarf in it.

    Anyway, I do agree - unban the permabanned, give the 360 community another chance to work itself out.

    Also, can somebody unban my HI IM SNARF account's IP address? Sucks that I can't post from my house.
  16. kckzi

    kckzi New Member

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    Are we seriously discussing a new forum just for "competitive" players? There is literally no point. There are no competitions to talk about, and quite frankly 99% of competitive players get along, so basically no trash talk would exist. There would be nothing to discuss except how awful the player base is in this game, and about the occasional private game.

    People just need to stop being stupid, both mods and nonmods. We don't need to split what is left of this community (which is really small and getting smaller), because someone called someone else a poopy head.
  17. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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    Trash talk via private messages. Do it between ur private matches.

    The whole nemesis thing is cool. The problem is you don't get cool, Magneto style monolouges from the bad guys, u just get "DERP DERP" and "u made?".

    I like to trash talk and throw down a gauntlet here and there (no ones actually accepted any of my challenges. I wonder why), but I know nobody wants to read my exchanges between some jackass who isnt going to show up anyway.

    A trash talk thread, or even a seperate section where we could all let out our inner Jim Mora would be handy, might help clear up some of the flare ups that happen in otherwise decent threads.
  18. Light My Pyre

    Light My Pyre New Member

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    This is not UFC where you could trash talk like Chael Sonnen.
  19. th3cozy

    th3cozy New Member

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    This place is pretty relaxed compared to a lot of other official forums. Anyone that's been perma banned knew or should have known what they were posting was going to get them banned. And do those guys even play anymore?
  20. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    immortal, what's a gauntlet? tell me you're talking about 1v1... :lol:

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