Hi! Long-time lurker, first-time poster. I just finished an article, The Top 5 Things About Monday Night Combat! I figured I'd leave it here in case any of you would like to read through it. Any feedback -- positive or negative -- is wholeheartedly encouraged! http://www.1up.com/do/blogEntry?bId=9065428
Haha that was a nice little read. "The message being that you're the bomb." I don't know why but that line had me cracking up.
That was a good read . I think one of the top things about this game is the classes. There's something for each playstyle.
Ironically, I find the fact people will be taunting after kills for money removes a lot of the showboatting and, er, taunt factor of it. I also would of put Pit Girl somewhere in the list. :mrgreen:
Thanks so much, Xknight! :] I agree, the classes are a HUGE part of MNC. For this piece, however, I didn't want to go into too much of the technical aspect of the game. I wanted to keep it lighthearted and comedic. It's obvious just how much love and thought went into designing each class. I absolutely adore it.
Vuther, I struggled very much with placing Pit Girl on the list. Let's just say that she's a very solid #6 when it comes to the things I love about MNC. :lol: -girlcrush-
"The message being that you're the bomb." is also my favorite line, and I agree. Taunt after kill is like.. satisfying if you can do it and not die. I almost always die.
I also always die while taunting mid-match. But if I pull it off, I end up fistpumping in victory. xD So satisfying and douchey. Lovesit.
If you're dumb, then Nata and I must be utter morons because we giggled for a solid minute over that. We're easily amused. :lol: