am i the only person that thinks the range on this thing is now huge? it could be lag or something but compared to the 360 version the shotgun range seems massive! is it just me?
I don't own a 360, so I can't tell, but I thought the PC's support shotgun was pathetic at anything but point blank, since I couldn't tell at further than 5 feet whether or not I was doing ANY damage to bots, and yet when I face off against a support as a gunner or tank defending my base and he just rushes straight in, I get one-shotted by the damn thing. As far as I can tell, you may as well just replace the shotgun with a melee weapon. :/
yer when i use it is basically a confetti blaster but when they shoot it at me its like a solid slug to my face
The ol' 'Confetti Launcher in the Shotgun' trick. That's the 3rd time I've been fooled by it this year!
I play a stinkload of support on PC and 360; feels the same to me. I have to force-feed someone the barrel to create any real impression with it.
i seem to be in what im used to be the safe zone and im like phew easy kill then 10 seconds later im shouting how bullshit it is...idk i guess PC is weird for me....
Shotgun definitely needs more range. Even if it only does a little amount of damage out of range I would still be happy knowing I actually did damage.
It's probably a lag illusion. When you're being hit by it, they're closer to you than you think they are
Honestly even on single player, unless I'm like 2 feet next to something, the Shotgun doesn't seem to deal any kind of damage. a VERY small range gun, but overall it's stronger then the melee attack, just no juice unless it kills. Thankfully weapon switching is rather fast so in crossfire seeing Assassions juicing around just means waiting till one trys to grapple, jump, switch, and shotgun to head. ...Good times when I can pull it off if anything else.
if an assassin front grapples you, you got enough time to switch to shotgun and blast her in the face and im fairly sure its a 1 hit kill (im not sure if it is when she has gold armor though)
Yeah, Gold Armor will be able to live the hit, ran into a few a bit ago. Thought if rolling gold armor, then your lacking in other areas like overall speed, meaning I'll still get the kill 90% of the time. Thought I guess for me Assassins aren't too hot saying that you can still take damage doing grapples, so if whoever just got grabbed has support, if you don't kill that target, your rather screwed as your chances are already dead before the animation's over.
I wish the shotgun had a bit more range, I probably just need to play with it more, but the range is a disinsentive to use it with how I generally play.
Oh, the range on the shotgun isn't conducive to the way I play, either. ....but it's a whole lot less conducive to the other guy's style of play, too! :lol:
I think most of the issue is lag based. PvP. It's all about where the Computer thinks it is, not where it is. Because playing support, I know how far the shotgun reaches (not very) and yet sometimes when running away, I feel I'm at a safe distance, only to have the remaining half of my health be taken away by a shotgun shot that should barely have grazed me. Point is, it's fine, its the connections.
yer im normally playing with around a 200 ping (which is pretty decent in this game) so that changes a lot....
i know what the shotgun is like im not saying its OP im just wondering if others thought there might of been a range increase over console but its probably just poor connection on my behalf.