The Sunny Dove Thread

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat Gameplay Videos' started by sunnydove, February 16, 2011.

  1. sunnydove

    sunnydove Member

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    In order to prevent half of the threads in this forum to be my own (I do create pretty regular content), I've created this thread to cover all of my uploads. I will not be posting threads for each new upload. I feel like I've advertised for myself enough here so if you want to keep up to date on my videos, please subscribe on YouTube and follow me on Twitter. I promise I won't spam you with dumb tweets :p. I tweet once or twice a day and I try to make sure it's something worth your while. Anyway, without further ado...

    Sunny Dove

    What's it about?
    I'd like to call it a variety gaming channel. You can expect to see many different games on my channel perhaps a year or two from now. I am originally a let's player and I will continue let's plays as I see fit but I'm currently more actively creating MNC content.

    What about your goals?
    My goals are to help players improve their play through strategies and knowledge. In addition, I want to promote games like MNC to take some of the spotlight away from the juggernaut that is Call of Duty. In the YouTube gaming community, CoD has dominated since commentary began with Blame Truth. Four CoD titles later, the commentary scene over there is over-saturated and stale. It is my aim to provide interesting content from other games and add some diversity to a community that's filled with the same old junk that perpetuates itself simply because it generates views.

    I like your goals. How can I help you reach them? :mrgreen:
    The easiest thing you can do is to subscribe to me on YouTube and Twitter. And if you take the time to watch my videos, please take the second it requires to rate the video. If you're still feeling like you haven't done enough after that, you're welcome to tell your friends and enemies about me ;). I greatly appreciate any support I can get and, let me tell you, these forums have provided me with a great deal of feedback and support. Those of you that have been there for me, thank you so much! I'm certain that with the help of my many dedicated subs, this channel can become something great.

    I want to become involved in your channel. Can I dual commentary with you?
    I am beginning to build a pretty long list of dual comm partners. At some point, I'll have to cut down on this but for the time being I'm happy to get forum goers and other YouTubers involved in my channel. Contact me via private message detailing what you want to do and we might be able to work something out.

    Anyway, feel free to discuss and provide feedback on any of my projects in this thread.
    Last edited: June 18, 2011
  2. Jraw20

    Jraw20 New Member

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    Re: The Official Sunny Dove Thread

    See? Don't you like this better? :D!
  3. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    Re: The Official Sunny Dove Thread

    I'm just watching your Endorsement 101, very good introduction to the finer points of the game! It also reminded me to change some of my builds because your videos had quite an influence on my playing style!
  4. sunnydove

    sunnydove Member

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    Re: The Official Sunny Dove Thread

    Thanks, I tried to cover the most important, basic points. Although I did get a message from a new friend advising me to start using the HostileConfig file for my information instead of the wiki. Even if the wiki numbers aren't perfect, I feel like the general concepts that I talked about still stand.

    Yes, I do like it better.
  5. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    Re: The Official Sunny Dove Thread

    i found it funny how you came out with an endorsement video and then xcal put one up hours later, what are the chances?
  6. sunnydove

    sunnydove Member

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    Re: The Official Sunny Dove Thread

    Yeah, and it was a day or two after I sent him a message about what I do/offering my insight on the PC version. Kind of makes me wonder if he didn't get the endorsement video idea from me :lol:. He even followed the same format: Explain all of the individual endorsements -> which builds he likes for each class. I'd love to play with him on MNC if nothing else. I'm not really in a position to ask for a dual commentary since I only have ~700 subs right now. It's not really fair to request it when we have such disproportionate statistics. Oh well, I think if I play enough I'll just run into him in a lobby sometime ;). I was #32 on the kills leaderboards when I logged off last night. I was #5 about a week in to the game but I got sick and did not play for 5 or 6 days.
  7. [451]Fireman

    [451]Fireman New Member

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    Re: The Official Sunny Dove Thread

    Saw this and was surprised. Very good starting point for Assault. Still need to refine grenade play a bit but was far more impressive then other Assaults I've seen. Ranging grenades is such a valuable skill to have in containing. It keeps enemies away from a location you choose as well as killing any bots that wander nearby.

    Still gotta work on annihilator and skill usage though. Assuming the hostile balance is to be believed, Bomb3 is 10% damage to the money ball when it's down, which agrees nicely with how fast the health bar drops when juicing and spamming grenades. Spam that on the core big time!

    The main thing I notice is that early game cash usage isn't very effective. You play a pretty bomb centric style but don't get the upgrades until quite late. You even favor Fly2 (why?!) over Bomb3 which is very strange. Have you ever tried Bomb2/Charge2, Bomb3 then Passive2 and any others (if ever)?

    The main benefit of this path is that you gain all the necessary upgrades very quickly (only $400 past initial starting cash) and if you farm quickly enough easily enough to hit the first annihilator while having strong skill powers and less fluff (passive and fly in my opinion are totally unnecessary). Plus you start being able to buy juice really early on and start wrecking bases and players well before they have finished upgrading skills. this was a little different focusing more on raw killing then bot pushes but it appears you had non-brain dead team members. Sadly, not enough cash to hit that annihilator though, very risky! Also, what's with the Bullseye break off from an exposed core? You even forget about nicking the ball to keep it down :( Fortunately the Jackbot was around to help out for a still easy win.

    Please try to focus more on that grenade launcher. It is really quite good everywhere but up close vs. pros. Range various hangouts that players use to airburst the grenades next to their head so they can't hide behind cover and snipers become much easier to deal with.

    EDIT: Ah, yeah the actual commentary from the first video. I can tell that you have some exposure to competitive (whatever) and have some idea what would work in this environment, but not much. The first thing about this game is that it isn't very deep as people claim. Any capable competitive player would be as good or better than you in about 20 hours of play I'd expect at a given class (not every class, that would require a good bit more time). Your aim is not very solid compared to dedicated PC players. It works on pubs, but then again everything does. I do agree that actual competitive games would be far more interesting but there just are not enough players to support it (yet?). With the "training wheels" FPS game feeling that TF2 competitive players seem to give this game it is unlikely to steal much market share. This is not entirely undeserved in my opinion, especially with the lack of an equivalent to TF2's mp_tournament command, which you commented on in your video.

    Overall the general skill level is very low in MNC for the moment. TF2 as much as it pains me to praise their pubs generally have a bit more aiming skill, but still are just as awful at actual map positioning and game sense as MNC players.

    Your game sense is pretty good, though obvious gaffes still occur and represent easy areas to improve in. This is probably the most important thing to learn in MNC, just knowing the state of advantage/disadvantage and when to press or hang back.

    Just some thoughts from a (roughly) mid-minus player in TF2 comp. Quite out of practice at this point though... Too many stupid additions with the hats and weapons.
  8. sunnydove

    sunnydove Member

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    Re: The Official Sunny Dove Thread

    Thanks for the compliment. I agree I need to work on my grenade launcher. It's a great weapon and I try to incorporate it more and more into my play. Lately, I refuse to use builds that don't have at least silver RoF just so I can make proper use of the GL.
    I don't stress over getting the annihilator if my team is clearly superior. Assassins should have plenty of money to spend and we all know there's 3 of them in every game :roll:. However, I do recognize its importance. It is high priority to me in a non-steamroll game and I will always make an effort to get it unless the other team clearly has middle control or I don't have the money (in which case, I'll guard it with a bomb). As far as skill-usage, I'm not sure what you mean? If I am actually wanting to take down a moneyball, I use bomb 3 and juiced GL. In steamroll games where winning is inevitable, I'd rather humiliate the other team by killing them repeatedly than finishing the moneyball in a single juice. If you like ending it quick, that's your preference. To each his own.

    I used to go Bomb2/Charge2 at start but Passive2 off the start is definitely worth it on the maps that you can skip over jump pads with the jump height + jet packing. I'll try Bomb2/Charge2 again and see how that goes. Also, I do generally grab Fly2 before Bomb3 because I enjoy the utility of extra flight time on most of the maps and it's only $150 for a lot of added utility. However, some maps I fly much less and grab Bomb3 first. It all depends on the situation.
    There is no way in hell that team was beating us. I figured, "Screw it. I'll let the enemy re-establish themselves while I go farm money and juice from Bullseye." As far as not having cash for annihilator, I'll give you that. I'm going to line out my upgrades a bit better so I always do have that $250 when I actually do need it (IE. Not facing scrubby dubbies).
    Will do.
    Who is "any capable competitive player?" Anybody that plays PC games competitively? Someone who has played 360 MNC tournies? Because for the time being... There is no such thing as competitive PC MNC. We don't have any leagues actually going yet. And I am in one of the only groups that has actually done a decent number of scrims. My aim is far from perfect but I'm way above the curve considering I just began my PC shooter career. I don't see why you feel the need to make sure I understand I'm not something special. I've never proclaimed myself to be the greatest MNC player of all time or the like (there are however a couple of those on the 360 if you are looking for someone that has their head stuck up their ***). BUT, I can tell you that there is no one I've played with that I feel like I can't hang with.
    If the "gaffes" you're referring to are all aforementioned things in your post, I'm conscious of all of these. If my goal was to end every game in 2-3 minutes, that wouldn't make for interesting videos and I don't particularly enjoy playing like that (but I do occasionally post a quickie where my team wins in a very short time).

    In closing, thanks for the well thought-out responses. I appreciate the time you took to write them. I think you're a bit overcritical of pub play styles but at least you made me think about some of my choices. Anyway, have a lovely day. I'm going to go play some MNC :D.
  9. [451]Fireman

    [451]Fireman New Member

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    Re: The Official Sunny Dove Thread

    Capable competitive player being someone from TF2, CS, Quake 3, etc., that has had moderate amounts of time spent improving in scrims and competition. The aiming skill for those types of players is quite a significant improvement.

    Game sense however is much more important. Pure aim is ... limited in usefulness in MNC but having a good base to work with certainly does not hurt, especially for sniper. Of course the players with good aim will pick up game sense very quickly as they already have tons of it from their chosen game already and only need minor adaptations for new games (in general).

    Competitive MNC will likely not take off unfortunately. I'd like to give it a shot, however the remainder of my e-buddies have panned the game for the most part. Oh well. Maybe if 50,000 more people buy it...
  10. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    Re: The Official Sunny Dove Thread

    Ummm... I like your videos Sunny Dove :ugeek:
  11. jAstro

    jAstro New Member

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    Re: The Official Sunny Dove Thread

    What strider said :cool:
  12. sunnydove

    sunnydove Member

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    Re: The Official Sunny Dove Thread

    I can't resist bumping the thread to let you guys know about this video if you aren't subbed to me (*cough* you should be subbed to me ;)). This is a flawless 46-0 assault game where I talk about why MNC is a better, more enjoyable game than the Call of Duty series. It's a good 'un.

    XENONOX New Member

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    Re: The Official Sunny Dove Thread

    It's pretty obvious that Fireman is one of those hard-critique kids that is all talk and no show.

    While Fireman uses logic in his arguments, he also neglects the fact that these videos are mere entertainment and to promote the game in general in the youtube community.

    Trust me, if you want to be picky, any videos (if you will ever upload) will be criticized by me to the point that you might as well just quit MNC.

  14. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    Re: The Official Sunny Dove Thread

    Nice job on the gameplay and the commentary Sunny Dove!
    And I love the chat comment by jAstro at the end:
    That pretty much sums up my thoughts when I'm on the opposing team... :D

    Firemen, upload your 46/0 footage right now!
    That's why I don't upload any of my MNC footage... :roll:
  15. [451]Fireman

    [451]Fireman New Member

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    Re: The Official Sunny Dove Thread

    Why would I upload a game against inferior opponents that should have ended at 10/0 2 minutes in?
  16. Providence

    Providence New Member

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    Re: The Official Sunny Dove Thread

    Still waiting for Sunny Dove vs Fireman vid.
  17. [451]Fireman

    [451]Fireman New Member

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    Re: The Official Sunny Dove Thread

    Surprisingly enough I actually like his videos. Instead of posting "here's me being awesome against scrubs" videos he actually provides comments on the choices he makes and other interesting things about the game or state of the game.

    He is also a fairly good player that generally tries to win compared with the other "name" assaults that appear to only wish to showcase their said "awesome skills against scrubs".
  18. sunnydove

    sunnydove Member

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    Re: The Official Sunny Dove Thread

    Calm down people. No reason to let things get out of hand here. Fireman can bring his opinions to the table as long as he does so in a civil manner. I actually appreciated some of the things he said and have made some conscious decisions about my play style because of my thoughts after reading his comments. Also, thanks for the compliments Fireman.
  19. Saint Mudknot

    Saint Mudknot New Member

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    Re: The Official Sunny Dove Thread

    Sunny Dove is no Shiny Eagle
  20. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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