The Sniper Nerf. Let's discuss idea's :D

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Shurryy, February 18, 2011.

  1. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    EDIT: I edited the first part to ensure neutrality of the thread as my wording on the original post was rather one-sided and I made it sound like a Sniper Nerf was definitely coming, which I do not know nor can I foretell if one is coming, but I am still hoping this can be a simple discussion. :)

    Seeing as many people on the forums and probably on the game as well all say the sniper is too hard to kill and is having it too easy killing pro's. The flood of Snipers are OP thread's camouflaged as other topic names around the forums are proof of that, as more than once I feel like I have picked up: "GET THE HINT! SNIPERS ARE OP!!!" signals. Probably just me though.

    So in this thread I want to get one thing clear:

    Reason Im saying possible is because it's not a 100% chance the sniper WILL be nerfed but if it does, HOW will he be nerfed? And remember to keep discussion civil please? :)

    This is a fun discussion, we're not discussing something that WILL happen, but something that MAY happen and we are so to say competing who comes up with the best nerf, it's only for fun, so no snipers take offense to this please as I am a sniper myself and like it as little as you do, but I am bored and felt like opening this thread. Now when THAT's out of the way, let's continue! :D

    So I'll start:
    I think a possible nerf will be scope swaying and/or recoil + a rate of fire nerf, or clip size nerf.
    Last edited: February 18, 2011
  2. Vleessjuu

    Vleessjuu New Member

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    You serious? o_O

    Anyway, if there was a sniper nerf in the making, I'd expect it to be a reduction of bodyshot damage. Not that I really see a need for that, but that's what I expect.
  3. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    Unfortunately yes. :)
    It's only for fun though as I don't really see a nerf needed either, but some people on the forums do and I am hoping to keep them occupied with this thread.
  4. Caliostro

    Caliostro New Member

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    What about not? Considering we've been through this a million times now, and the threads have been locked due to inevitably and without failure spiralling into the same arguments over and over and reaching absolutely no point whatsoever?

    It'd be time and bandwidth better spent arguing the effect of the moon on milk packs for all the good it does.
  5. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    i think we just need maps that don't really benefit the sniper as much as the current ones do, which will probably happen since we will get new maps...
  6. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    New maps are good and all, but I think IF A NERF DOES COME, then it shouldn't mess with rate of fire (and by leaving rate of fire alone, allowing snipers to still fuction by pushing bot lanes)

    make the scope take longer to aim down, make the user break aim every shot for a short time, add recoil or something... If the sniper loses 1 more bullet a clip, they will not be able to push bot lanes, and gunner-support teams will be overpowered.

    If they become truely overpowered, as in they win every game (unlike the sniper currently), then I quit. Thanks for breaking steam and hope to see you on xbox, which is where i'll be if this game becomes unplayable (not really, I don't want your ideas breaking xbox too, please stay off xbox, kthanksbi)

    OP and everyone else, please click here!
    Last edited: February 18, 2011
  7. Mastah

    Mastah New Member

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    I got a suggestion: each time a Sniper eats a churro, he'll grow fatter. I won't have any trouble shooting him with my nade launcher then ;)
  8. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    Increase CD and decrease snare duration for his freeze traps.

    Decrease RoF on rifle.

    Reduce move speed.

    Increase reload time on rifle

    Decrease AoE on his explosive shot.

    Decrease size of level 3 flak

    Reduce juice gain from explosive shot.

    Any of those will probably be one of the nerfs.

    I mostly hope its the first since it would have the least impact on his bot killing/pro killing. But make him more approachable, thus widening his natural weakness.

    Honestly I feel the biggest problem is the map designs make it difficult to NOT be in the line of sight of a sniper and his sniping spots are typically fairly safe. Its not as much the sniper himself.
  9. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    You know that last part make this hard to make a fun thread... I guess the word SNIPER and NERF doesn't fit well together in your mental dictionary? And yes I know about that thread as I already posted there and support it, but this is not a whine post, it's a simple discussion post which I intend to keep neutral.
    This is what I am refering to, please refrain from using it as it's clearly a negative view on this topic which was intended for fun, and you honestly don't want to leave ;) and you know it. :D

    We are discussing a possible nerf and what it should be, what it would be and how it would affect general gameplay.
    I am not trying to start a flame war here, but keeping a simple civil discussion with people who post stuff like THIS^ make it harder to keep it civil. If you don't like the idea and the topic as a whole, why not avoid it instead of bashing it? :|

    ... Actually, this would be an amusing twist, if drops could affect your class in some way, negative or good, depending on how many of them you pick up in a row! :D
  10. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    The sniper IS OP and there IS DEFINITELY a nerf coming up. Yeah. Sounds like the same 45 page thread, started again, by someone who came to a BAD CONCLUSION from the last one.

    Either way, I don't care as long as I (who am mediocre at the sniper) can play it and still push bots. This game isn't pvp. If the gunner does get god-status over this, I swear i'll show you the unrelentless pain that xbox players felt when Deadeye played in the beginning.

    Isn't my fault I can kill you from the other side of a wall, or kill you in 2 seconds at point blank range, or have high health and have an overheal, or can break turrets without juice that 2 supports are trying to keep healed. Too bad you can't snipe to stop gunners anymore. If rate gets messed with, i'll get on everyday with my gunner to make sure I get enough people to create whine-threads asking for the sniper's 4round clip back.

    Want the game changed? Play so well at a class you want nerfed, that you cause 20 playerrs to create 45 page whine threads. Then watch as that class gets nerfed, so you can play something else that you actually wanted to play, unopposed since you got the counter-class nerfed.
  11. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    Dude, chill. :|
    I don't want the game changed, I just wanted to have a discussion thread that's free of posts like this, but thanks for releasing all your rage on this thread for something you experienced on the Xbox360 since the game launched, seriously you need to take a cool drink and cool off that steam. :D

    As for this:
    You are right, this is the opposite and yet a contradiction on my part for what I was trying to make this thread about. Removing now. :)
  12. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Much slower bolt-action rifle. Increase damage to bots and turrets to compensate

    Replace him entirely
  13. Mail

    Mail New Member

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    Remove explosions on friendly targets. Other than that I don't want to mess with him.
  14. WylieTimes

    WylieTimes New Member

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    If Uber decide that the Sniper is to be nerfed, I would not be surprised if it had something to do with quickscoping.
    Which, well, I'm kinda starting to enjoy.. :(

    I'd say it'd likely be something that effectively slows the Sniper Rifle a bit.
    Whether it be forcing players to be fully scoped to get perfect accuracy, or an actual RoF nerf.
  15. DragonAsh

    DragonAsh New Member

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    i believe UE has entertain the "reload" idea after every shot.

    however, i think one of two things should be done. (maybe both)

    decrease the explosive damage or radius of lvl 3 passive.
    nullify explosions caused by shooting your own bots.

    i find it rather...annoying that i can be killed around the corner by a sniper shooting his own bots
  16. Nerfed

    Nerfed New Member

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    Go back to crap of duty. Swaying scopes are horrible and don't belong in any game ever, except maybe red orchestra and other war-themed games that are based entirely on realism.
  17. Providence

    Providence New Member

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    Shurry, you're a traitor. You're never allowed to play sniper again.
  18. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    You wish I was a traitor didn't you...? :)
    How many more of these comments do I have to ignore before things can be kept on-topic...? :|

    Apparently, they do... Though some games get lucky and don't have to deal with it. MNC is such a case. :)
  19. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    Here is an incentive: remove quickscoping and you'll successfully remove me.
  20. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    LOL you act as if you're important or something. Uber does not make decisions based on a single person.

    That aside, I think reloading after every shot is the best solution. However, because this effectively eliminates his lane pushing abilities, explosive rounds would probably need a damage buff on bots.

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