The Secret to Blitz High Scores

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Strategy and Tactics' started by Wriggle, January 25, 2011.

  1. Wriggle

    Wriggle New Member

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    I'm not going to flat-out tell you step-by-step how to top the leaderboard, but I'll tell you three facts that will help you on your way:

    1. Your leaderboard score is determined by the total amount of money you earned over the entire round, including your starting cash and all spent cash.
    2. You may taunt once per juice for +$100. Other taunts, including extra taunts before the juice runs out, are worth +$5.
    3. There is a juice machine that will provide you a full juice meter for $500.

  2. Mail

    Mail New Member

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    Another tip: SHAVEICE TURRETS
    Once bots reach a certain speed it doesn't matter how many rock-its you have hacked, they're going to break through without some shaveice goodness.
  3. alanebro82

    alanebro82 New Member

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    You can easily get more money via juice by killing people as opposed to taunting... especially if you have a killstreak going or get multikills.
  4. Wriggle

    Wriggle New Member

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    Pro-tip: There are no people to kill in Blitz, which is against bots only.
  5. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Actually Shave-Ice turrets aren't all that great for blitz and to be honest all you need are Rock-it turrets. The only thing shave-ices are "needed" for during blitz is to expose gremlins.

    Here is our resident Blitz master: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=5845

    Here is a video from that thread if you are being lazy:
  6. Mail

    Mail New Member

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    They slow down the streams of bots to keep them from overpowering your defenses. As a support I've found three nubs of shaveice more than worth the loss of those rock-its if placed correctly in sudden death. Just got to round 461 with a friend online; one support, one assassin. Only reason we lost so soon was my breaks to make tea. Last tea I went to make, eight jackbots overwhelmed the poor support. Amazingly, he managed to take them down solo, but they proved enough distraction for the blackjacks behind him to take the ball down.

    If I'd have been there to help take care of the jackbots, the turrets would have had no problem taking down the blackjacks behind.
  7. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Did you not watch the video I posted? Later in the rounds more firepower is needed over slowing abilities.
  8. Rammite

    Rammite New Member

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    Aw, crap. I usually pop juice in blitz and taunt 2 or three times.
  9. Mail

    Mail New Member

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    I did indeed watch it, and even read the thread. Frankly it didn't look much different from the rounds I was dealing with during the beta, in which I got to 574, though he may have just been making it look easy. Barring some stupid mistakes and a bad beginning setup, I could have gone much longer. Plus, I tend to play more aggressively than he does, actually shooting things and such to keep it interesting(stupid mistakes come from this probably).

    Generally speaking, though, we hack the same turrets, and my shaveice turrets(only three) are placed auspiciously enough that no real firepower is lost, in exchange for a good amount of slowdown in order to deposit that firepower. He did place is firebase in an interesting spot, though, so I'll try that in the future. I should also use the ejectors and annihilator more actively.

    I placed them in spots where generally rock-its keep trying to shoot through eachother, and that one space in the spawn ring that never shoots anything, even when hacked.
  10. Caliostro

    Caliostro New Member

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    I can testify that mass rockit turrets and lvl 3 hack are the secret to blitz highscores.

    You'll need help in the new super sudden death match though. I just tried to solo it after watching that inspirational thread/video stretch linked to, and my god is it ever hard than normal "sudden death"...

    For once, the layout is different, more open, but smaller (the one from the tutorial)... You'd think that'd be a good thing right? Easier to cluster **** rockits, right?

    Well, turns out that this mode also loves to spawn gapshots just outside of rockit range... In 2 different spawn "islands" across from each other that you can only access with the jumpers... And on top of that they sometimes spawn Jackbots there too... I got to lvl 63 or so before it all went to hell with 2 gapshots and a jackbot DURING a normal wave... The gapshots started tearing my base appart, and as soon as the Jackbot got in he just rampaged through 2 or 3 lvl 3 turrets in a second... Should get a bit easier with some friends though,they can camp those islands to prevent "surprises".
  11. Mail

    Mail New Member

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    While I still maintain that if you keep your shaveices placed properly, your rock-its hacked, and your boredom in check you can do just as well as that dude in the video...

    My god is super sudden death insane. I actually ended up trying it a bit before you posted, not sure how far I got but I was punished by the sheer cruelty of the combinations. Gapshots and jackbots at the same time, mixing both between both levels?


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