The Scramble Blitz tips

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by Galaxy010, August 28, 2010.

  1. Galaxy010

    Galaxy010 New Member

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    I can't beat The Scramble Blitz. It's so hard. Anyone got any good tips?
  2. Kalioc216

    Kalioc216 New Member

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    use a tank with your gold endorsment as reload speed and silver as armor, and spam the hell outta the death blossom lol. product grenade the bouncers and pray during the buzzers =D
  3. IlliniJen

    IlliniJen New Member

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    I had the same issue the other day and posted a query much like yours. I beat it with the tank.

    Tank set up: rate of fire / armor / reload speed

    Set up an ice turret in the middle, two laser blazers on each side, then laser blazers outside the base and/or inside near the money ball. The ice turret is your best friend...stick to it. Basically I moved in a "U" shape pattern around the ice turret depending which side the gremlins were coming from and would death blossom, then U around the ice turret the other direction, death blossom, rinse/repeat. The gremlins don't path well, so they'll try to follow you behind the turret as you move behind it.

    I got it in one try, no damage to the moneyball. And it was my second time using the tank...I did a solo exhibition blitz to get used to the class and its abilities. Once you get the timing down of moving around your ice turret and with the rate of fire and reload speed of death blossom, you should be fine.

    I had so much fun with the tank, that I fell in love with the class and use it all the time in sudden death blitz for some $$$ to level up.

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