The quality of live streams

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by iron420, May 3, 2013.

  1. iron420

    iron420 Well-Known Member

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    Hey guys,

    I was able to view the live stream live today and I couldn't help but notice the quality of the questions being asked these guys. No wonder Mavor gets annoyed almost every live stream. I got annoyed looking at some of the super dumb stupid questions that were getting asked. Seriously its better that you don't contribute at all if your question has been answered before in the forums.

    1. It annoys the dev team (and viewers) and reduces their willingness to show you things
    2. It clogs up the question panel making it hard to see legitimate intelligent questions
    3. It makes you (and more importantly, the community) look like a ******* bunch of idiots who don't know how to read

    Please do everyone a big massive favor and STFU or stay out of the live streams if you didn't even realize there is a forum or were too ******* lazy to go and check it yourself before you wasted everyone else's time.
  2. Zoughtbaj

    Zoughtbaj Member

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    Heh. I noticed this too. I tried to ask questions about the AI, but I was drowned out by the orc horde :( I see what people were talking about now.

    Telling everyone to stop won't help though. I think people that regularly read the forums (re:this topic) don't usually ask those kinds of questions.

    I think what would be useful is if we got a forum Q&A from the devs either in the lounge or here, where we are allowed to ask questions for a couple days, and then they try to answer what they can in their off time. MWO does this, and while the quality of answers there isn't always awesome, it might limit the clutter that we saw in the livestream. Well, not limit, but at least people who actually would like to know what's going on would have something to reference.
  3. DrognaN

    DrognaN New Member

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    Maybe we could collect reasonable questions before the stream starts and let the dev team decide which one they want to answer. It would definitly improve the quality of the questions asked.
  4. thepastmaster

    thepastmaster Active Member

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    It wouldn't work too well since most questions pertain to information discussed by the devs as the stream progresses. :(
  5. syox

    syox Member

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    this discussion again ? :D
  6. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    I think you watched a different stream than I did. There were nearly zero questions asked/answered in the stream that haven't already been asked a thousand times on the forums already.
  7. thepastmaster

    thepastmaster Active Member

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    You misunderstand. I am of course referring to the original questions, not the massed asked and answered ones. :)
  8. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    One that stuck out to me was "Will there be ranged units?"

    Surely a question for the ages...
  9. DrognaN

    DrognaN New Member

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    Exactly. And when they need to visit the forums to ask their questions for the livestream, they do at least visit the forum and see the stickies which hopefully leads to less already answered questions.
  10. Zoughtbaj

    Zoughtbaj Member

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    Wait, seriously? This was a question?

    Well crap. I thought I couldn't lose more than faith in humanity. Now I've lost faith in basic sensory data :?

    Pre-screened questions are sounding better and better.
  11. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    zoughtbaj, I am deadly serious.
  12. thepastmaster

    thepastmaster Active Member

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    I recall the question being "Will there be differently ranged units?" I.e. artillery, direct fire, rocket artillery, short range, long range etc.

    But I agree. It was... Hasty.

    As a global mod of a very sizable forum this has been tried and tested several times and it has always failed. Mainly due to assumptions and the belief that most people think with the same logic. Many of the stream participants may not know that there is a forum. Or they have no desire to join us. Psychology is a fascinating thing. If frustrating at times.
  13. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    Iron, you have unreasonable expectations for the fans, not everyone can keep up with the forums, even with Threads like the Topic Index and Confirmed Features List it's possible to keep fully up to date unless you literally read every single post.

    While it's far from ideal, it's just part of doing Q&As like this, and really, as annoying as repeat questions are, at the same time if it's quick and easy to answer it helps educate people to fire off the answer quickly.

    I would love if the Q&A was more focused on the content of the actual Livestream, but the fact remains that because Uber uses an Iterative Process, it's hard to answer a lot of questions because they tend to depend on things that aren't done yet, like asking how will multi-planet combat works, that depends on how Combat works on ONE planet which they're still working on.

    All we can do is grin it out, Uber picks what questions to answer so it's not like tjhey actually answer the same list of questions everytime.

    This is new to a lot of people, heck most don't have the slightest clue how games are made at all, it'd be great if everyone was equally educated, but that won't happen.

    AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That's a great jo.......wait are you being serious? That's not how people work, the greater majority will create accounts and log in ONLY to ask questions without researching the question at all, that's just how it is, no one has time to read through 80 pages of threads.

  14. syox

    syox Member

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    Maybe we need an integrated chat. For PA homepage where all the veterans can idle and answer such questions....
    don't give nanolathe channel moderation rights though -.-"
  15. thepastmaster

    thepastmaster Active Member

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    There is also the question of age. Many younger persons have grown up to ask questions. Not seek out the answer for themselves. Which can be an issue at times. I have a friend who's son can only ask questions. When he encounters an obstacle, ANY obstacle, in a game for an example, his first words are always "MOM/DAD! HOW DO I GET PASSED THIS?!"

    You mean like an integrated IRC client that points to the #PlanetaryAnnihilation channel on Esper?
  16. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    And yet, we have a full age range here in the forums, and it's never stopped people from asking without research, it's more a time/inclination deal rather than age.

  17. Zoughtbaj

    Zoughtbaj Member

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    You're definitely right, though this doesn't pass for everyone. I mean, I'm young. I was still in middle school when FA was released :? . Typically, the maturity of the younger audience is lower, but I've seen very immature adult audiences that are just as bad. MWO being a good example. There unfortunately isn't a really good metric to judge how intelligently someone will post. The only general ideas we have is that people on forums are typically older, and more interested in the game. Hence why I think a pre-QnA thread would be a good idea so there isn't a huge flood of questions that don't help anyone. No matter what, the questions asked in a live stream are going to be bad in general.
  18. thepastmaster

    thepastmaster Active Member

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    I get the impression that some thing I mean EVERYONE young. This was not my intention. Humanity is never painted so poorly. Some are one way, others are another way and there are many, many ways.
  19. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    Timing is everything. Host a stream when school gets out, and your stream fills up with kids. :lol:
  20. nlspeed911

    nlspeed911 Member

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    I think most of us are Europeans (or at least, on this forum), so alas, that doesn't really hold up. :p

    But yeah, Uber... What's in a name, eh? Uber!

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