The OFFISHUL Moments of Epic Fantastic-ness Thread

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by sensitivepsycho, August 14, 2010.

  1. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    Heya kiddos. As a beaten and abused refugee from the console version of Team Fortress 2, I was scared to love again. Thankfully, some of the hilarious events that happen over the course of the average game make me very glad I made the switch. So, forum-goers, post some of your moments of epic fantastic-ness here. Be focused, or wax lyrical on a more general moment.

    Or just post a long and detailed account of your l337 sk1llz.

    The Sniper's quotes. He's a stereotypical WE R LUSIN, U GUIZ SUCK gamer, and hilarious for it. I'm guilty of saying "at least someone is doing their job" when a team-mate finally switched to Medic in Team Fortress 2, and I think we've all been that guy at least once.

    Assassins who insist on grappling me from the front next to my Firebase. Guys, I know she wears a totally sleek ninja-suit and even has a sword, but she isn't one of your Japanese cartoon characters. All you are doing is giving me cash to feed my bacon/upgrades addiction. Which makes you an enabler. Also, getting grappled as a Tank. While the animation plays, I like to think about what it's going to look like when I set you on fire and Jet-Charge into you. Assassins have a cool burning animations.

    Getting sent flying out of a level. The couple of seconds you have to contemplate your fate are endlessly entertaining, especially to any siblings who may be watching you.

    Hacking enemy turrets. Save yourself ~$600 - hack an enemy rocket-launcher turret. Bonus points for taunting next to it.

    Blending in with bots as a Tank. Or, just pretending to be Zangief.
    Last edited: August 14, 2010
  2. AssassinsGoneWild

    AssassinsGoneWild New Member

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    I started spawn camping an enemy base earlier today as a Tank.

    It was AWESOME!!!
  3. ArkInBlack

    ArkInBlack New Member

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    There needs to be a video of this happening with the Guile Theme playing. It just needs to happen.

    Seeing a Support set up a turret, kill an Assault a few times, then when the Assault bounces grenades around a corner packs up and leaves does something special when the Assault misses the memo and stands there for around a minute just bouncing grenades at nothing.

    The Sniper's SMG taunt stands out to me as absolutely hilarious. And everything that comes out of his mouth, really.

    To see an Assault miss his charge and go flying out of the ring is also one of the rarer pleasures.
  4. AssassinsGoneWild

    AssassinsGoneWild New Member

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    I saw that happen to an assassin once on a video someone posted, was truely lmao worthy.
  5. ZeroHourHero

    ZeroHourHero New Member

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    Not trying to crash the party but both of those assassin things that you made fun of are things I normally live through and often get a kill off of, as an assassin. Its not always a guaranteed fail for the assassin. At least not if they know what they're doing.

    On that note I was having a blast today standing on the glass wall in front of someones base as a gunner, deployed hosing down everything that moved while my team killed the money ball.
  6. oogabex

    oogabex New Member

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    to play against a team with 5 assassins and 1 sniper..Chances are one of the most easy multiplayers wins I've had in this game :D
  7. Mutated Muskrat

    Mutated Muskrat New Member

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    ...any time an assassin can't "close the deal" and promptly gets flattened when my Assault charges over her..

    ...any time you launch an opposing player off the map. Very satisfying, except that I've been killed more than once while admiring their exit trajectory.
  8. Nightmare

    Nightmare New Member

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    I have already said this on another thread, but W/E

    I was playing the sniper, and we was attacking their base. As I went to get my drink, I dropped the controller which pressed the right trigger. So it was a complete blind fire, but it head shotted a cloaked assassin

  9. Imsoooometal

    Imsoooometal New Member

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    36-6 as Support. Guess that would be my moment of fantastic-ness.
  10. Oscar Oli

    Oscar Oli New Member

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    Level 2 sniper grapple on a gunner. Knocks him flying out of the map!

    Your jet pack will not help you my fat friend!
  11. BlyndSentry

    BlyndSentry New Member

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    Ejecting a cloaked assassin when you had no idea they were there has to be one of my favorites. Making deployed gunners freak out by walking up behind them then smoke bomb jumping away is also good fun.
  12. tomin83r

    tomin83r New Member

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    51-6 as sniper epic
  13. CanadianPirates

    CanadianPirates New Member

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    Getting my one and only triple kill was my personal favorite. I charged the first guy with the Assault's Level 2 Charge, then ran away since i was being chased by 2 assassins. I stuck one on the head, got credit fro my ring out, then blew them up. Achievement Unlocked!
  14. Terminal Happiness

    Terminal Happiness New Member

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    Oh wait, JUICE!

    Now everybody's dead.
  15. cazoofoo

    cazoofoo New Member

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    When you have just been knocked off the map and by the scrape of your jetpack fuel only barely manage to get back on the map... And then get a face full of jet gun uppon landing :mrgreen:

    Oh yeah and landing the most perfect death spin as tank landing yourself 3+ kills :)
  16. blue atlas

    blue atlas New Member

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    I'm not going to post a game score as a moment of Epic Fantastic-ness, because this isn't a game where K/D matters as much as teamwork and strategy. The moment that I will probably remember the most would be my triple kill airstrike from the grave.
  17. Tigerfox 360

    Tigerfox 360 New Member

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    i spawned a scrambler as a sniper and decided to try escorting it to the enemy base for giggles, this is different because usually i spawn them and just leave them to it.

    i get rushed by an assault, i grab him, bounce him off a wall he falls off the field, he kicks his jetpack on just in time, and starts to move back toward solid ground.. mere inches away from safety, his jetpack is drained away by my scrambler bot, and he falls to his death.
    it was like watching a cartoon, he just hangs there for a second and then is gone!
  18. Spooze

    Spooze New Member

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    On Grenade III, having the whole team attacking the Mascot, and me using the Ejector.

    hmm, 2 kills + 4 Ring outs = Win?
  19. Surberus

    Surberus New Member

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    I'll be the first to admit, I've missed my share of Assassin lunges and put myself out of the arena. I also have a nasty habit of missing a jump pad or mis judging the distance in GrenADE.

    Epic in my favor though, I grappled an Assault, but he turned just as I did so I get a front grapple and he was still alive, he charged me and sent me flying off the side, I switched to shurikens and unloaded a clip as I flew to my death, sending him to the grave to meet me.
  20. Soulfire

    Soulfire New Member

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    As an assault, i stuck a support in the face and watched as he ran back into his base in fear(or stupidity). set it off and destroyed a turret and got a double kill.

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