Note: This is only speculation and fan made predictions and stories, not anything official or Uber-licensed. In your own honest opinion, what would the official backstory of Monday Night Combat be? Sure, I'm aware this is only a videogame and not a very serious one at that, but all games have origins. From those origins stem the beginnings, pitfalls and key-events that bring about the plot, story and purpose of that so-called game. If I may, I'll begin on my theory of how the MNC tournament came to be. --- Monday Night Combat takes place at least 300-400 years in the future, judging from the present technology in game, from turrets to fully automized machines. Wars were fought, won and lost on Earth, at that time two different factions controlled. The 'Icemen' controlled a myriad of sub-fronts, world governments, military and corporations all under the whim of Icemen founder, "he who is not-to-be-named". The founder did NOT like the fact that part of their investments were shared by their arch nemesis, the 'Hotshots', who also controlled part of the world. Each corporation administers its half of the world with a team of trained buisnessmen who handle all the paperwork. But, even the busy paper-pushers couldn't conjure up any sign of trucery or peace between the two rival companies. After what seemed like an eternity of endless bickering and deceits, two tiny slips of paper tucked away in the two buisnessmen's file locker (as each was retrieved by the other companie's hired spies), suggested that each team should "grow the 'nards' and actually settle it like men, once and for all in a classic beat 'em up match'... --- And that is as far I had been able to think up Please forgive me for butchering what MNC was orginally intended, but I couldn't help but just think of this scenario of what led to the game. The story still needs plenty of explanation, including why bacon is held as a number on resource and why there needs to be money balls *sigh*. I'm just glad I got this story out of my head.
Actually, Monday Night Combat is intended as a 100% true to life biography of Chuck Norris's life in the future before he denounced guns and came back in time to defeat Kimbo Slice.
We were bored and started to kill each other but someone said no I don't like robots so we killed robots then someone said no I hate all of you and he was Mickey Canter so he went to jail but somehow made a giant arena out of soap and now people kill everyone else in halloween costumes.
here's a story. They were all forced into staring at menu's more than playing the game. They called this Monday Night Menu's. When they finally found one, they are at an extremely noticable disadvantage due to lag. They called this Bullshit. When they found a game that had little to no lag, they were paired with a team full of level 1's. They called this Idiotic Matchmaking. THE END.