The official "can has PC port now?" thread

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Symmetry, March 28, 2010.

  1. Symmetry

    Symmetry New Member

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    I just got a chance to play Monday Night Combat at PAX this weekend and it was really a blast. The one problem, for me, is that I don't have an XBox and though this game is pretty darn awesome it isn't enough to get me to buy one on its own. Thus, here's a thread for people to line up to hand their money over Uber if only they can come out with a PC version.

    I'll still do my best to encourage a friend with an Xbox to buy the game, though. ;)
  2. gnats3

    gnats3 Member

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    The devs have hinted pretty strongly that there will be a PC version :)
  3. blurr

    blurr New Member

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    I'd like to throw my vote in here as well. I definitely want a PC version of this game, especially after having played it at PAX East.

    The second I put down the controller I asked the nice uber-employee next to me if the game's coming out on the PC and he said the best way to get that to happen is to come to the forums here and register my wishes.

    *shakes fist* Obey my wishes Uber Entertainment!

    Err, pretty please?

    Seriously I think the game would do quite well on the PC. It could be easily distributed through one of the many digital download services. My first vote would be for Steam, because I've had the most positive experiences with it, and it comes loaded with many social features such as room for achievements, friends lists, voice chat, and so-on. Now, in the event that Valve has some random problem with hosting MNC, there are still plenty of alternatives. Stardock, Direct2Drive, etc.

    Honestly for me, and I think a lot of other FPS players, it really isn't an fps if you can't play it with a mouse/keyboard combo. You get a lot better reaction time and accuracy out of a digital mouse than an analog stick, or at least that's how I feel. I totally understand some people prefer the controller, but generally if you learned on one you tend to stick with it. With a PC version, those of us who prefer mouse/keyboard could still play with our preferred setup.

    I think this would also help with the spread of the game and getting people on board just by covering more bases. I currently don't have a 360, so the price of entry to the game would include buying an entire system for it. I do love the game and look forward to playing it, but it would be a much easier decision if I didn't have to justify the cost of the 360 as well. There are still plenty of hardcore FPS fans on the PC, and as far as I know, digital distribution (ie Steam) makes fears of piracy dwindle greatly.

    It makes sense most to me when I think of the gameplay style of MNC. Essentially it feels to me like TF2 meets DotA (or Multiplayer Battle Arena if you will) style gameplay. TF2 and DotA communities are both strongest on the PC, so you would be going directly after the main market of people who have already bought in to the gameplay style you've created here.

    Anyways, that's my 2 cents, and I'm sure plenty of people feel the same way. Here's hoping we'll get a PC version soon too!
  4. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    Anyone else? Maybe someone should start a poll or something. ;)
  5. magnusrex

    magnusrex New Member

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    I agree. I would definitely love to see a PC version of the game.
  6. Hildogen

    Hildogen New Member

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    +100000000000000000 Agreed.
  7. sliceypete

    sliceypete New Member

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    I'd love to see a PC port of this mainly for competitive play. xbox live its pretty good but it still missing some key features that you need for competitive play like dedicated servers, being able to record a match/taking screen shots, and user created mods. I'm probably missing some other stuff(I haven't really been in the PC scene for a couple of years). Don't get me wrong I'm still going to buy the XBLA version day one but I like having the option to play it on the PC.... also make sure its on steam :)
  8. Sorian

    Sorian Official PA

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    I'll take a PC port please :)
  9. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    Well, I posted news about MNC on the supcom forums and many PC gamers were very interested in the game and asked if there would be a PC port. I think MNC has huge potential and I think it would be worth the time and money to port it to the PC for you. Maybe on Steam? I can imagine a bunch of L4D, TF2, Borderland... fans would be interested in the game.

    O hai Sorian!
  10. Spooky

    Spooky Member

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    PC version over Steam plixx!

    Not GFWL :p
  11. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    Does anyone feel the G4WL would be superior to steam? Does anyone not care which direction we go?

    This is stuff is important and any trends here will affect our decisions on the PC version.
  12. gnats3

    gnats3 Member

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    I would prefer Steam rather than GFWL. Steam is generally reliable, many of my games are in one place, I have existing friends lists, logging on is quick (it's been a while since I logged onto GFWL, but it always seemed like an excessively lengthy process for some reason), etc.

    Although I haven't used GFWL much since the Universe at War days, I do know that it has a horrid reputation at the gaming communities I frequent. Whether this reputation is well-founded or not, it will probably decrease sales simply because people hate it so much.

    Oh, and of course I agree that a PC version would be awesome :)
  13. magnusrex

    magnusrex New Member

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    I have to agree, steam all the way
  14. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    I think you will have a much easier time with Steam than GfWL. From what I have read Valve is pretty flexible. You can get your game on Steam much faster than on GfWL, Steam supports a lot of multiplayer features you can use and they have a really large community interested in shooters. But don't take my word for it, read what the developer(s) of World of Goo say:

    Source: ... e-funding/

    You are waiting for Microsoft to get a publishing date atm, right? Just saying... *whistle* ;)

    PS: As a gamer I prefer Stardock's Impulse over Steam. But I think it's not the best choice for MNC. Impulse has not all the multiplayer features Steam can offer, they have little experience with multiplayer heavy titles, their fan base is mostly interested in strategy games and smaller.

    I think you will probably be far better off with Steam atm. But it's probably worth keeping an eye on Impulse.
    Last edited: April 1, 2010
  15. Hildogen

    Hildogen New Member

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    Completely agree with everything Gnats says. On steam I already have an established community and friends list. As well as a distributing service/interface that has been proven to be reliable countless time over. Every time I have had to deal with GWL I felt like I had to just through so many hoops to play the game. It also may be easier to advertise the game on steam (from what I have noticed from games in the past).
  16. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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  17. magnusrex

    magnusrex New Member

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    lol everyone likes steam.

    Yeah, steam is pretty flexible and has a really large user base to boot. The game with some luck would also be on the front page for a while allowing gamers to notice and pick the game up. This would all be pretty helpful.
  18. blurr

    blurr New Member

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    Yeah I have to second the opinion for steam.

    It's really the most widespread digital service out there, with the biggest installed user-base of fans that are predisposed to playing this style of game. It's proved to be a superior service and it's already in place with support, features, and time-tested methodology.

    I really don't think you could go wrong with Steam.
  19. eetmorsqrls

    eetmorsqrls New Member

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    I wish you could release for both impulse and steam, but apparently there are issues with doing so (Sol Survivor's multiplayer doesn't work between steam and impulse), not sure why or if there is a way around it etc, but if there is I would really prefer you released on both platforms as i generally prefer to buy from impulse. The others are correct, however, in that steam has the playerbase that you want (unless you decide to make it into an RTS on PC). I really think the game will do well either way, and best if you can do both platforms, but just swear to us you won't make us have a constant internet connection with six rootkits running in the background and an uber account to play the demo <3

    (on a side note, i would like to complain that the "Font color" palette on the right is misspelled as "Font colour")
  20. nyx

    nyx Moderator Alumni

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    hrm.. the Canadian must have proofread that. In some countries, that is the correct spelling.

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