I hope they make they add another race too, im pretty sure assassin is some kind of asian heritage, it would be nice to see more than just one black guy, a masked female, and a bunch of random white dudes. I just think it would be a good route, at least a Black Woman if anything.
Gunner is suppose to be "Hawaiian" Dunno why they didn't darken him up some he doesn't even have a tan.
They wont give him an English accent because the designers are all american, thats why they decided on an american accent.
No no, my friend. You are misguided. The plan was to have the Assault British, but they tried tons of DIFFERENT English accents but couldn't find the right one so they gave him one of your American accents. I think there are multiple different accents in the English AND American language alone.
One of my american accents? I thought the british flag in my sig was a give away that im from the Uk. I know he was supposed to have a british accent, what im saying is they tried loads of different voices but couldnt find the right one? Shocker. Hmm the british assault doesnt have the right voice shall i keep looking for more voices? No, just make him american.
Yeah that's generally why they made his voice American. And I apologise, I didn't notice you were British too.
I wouldn't have thought a new class is on the cards but they could make each class have a choice of male/female. Tank would be like Russian weight lifter