What is this "thread"? It shows up every now and then. There's no link there, just "thread". Is there a ghost thread somewhere here? Doomed to forever sail around the Cape of Good Hope forums.uberent?
Oh ive noticed it just now! i think its just a specific Uber-Staff forums only thingy. Nothing really secret
@cwarner7264 was just viewing it. REVEAL YOUR SECRETS. And wpmarshall is there too. It's just like that IT Crowd Episode...
It's a super secret thread where Brad tells us how great PA is. I'll go there now as well. really actually I guess that probably means the person is viewing something in an area of the forums that you cannot view yourself. No there are not interesting things to see. Just bad jokes for the most part.
Common forum functionality (across most backends) is to simply saying "viewing forum" or "viewing thread" if you don't have permissions to see what that thread is called
It's probably the moderator part of the forum, mods make posts concerning users. If they went them banned, a thread closed, etc...