Hi guys! Thanks for the beta invite today. Have had a lot of fun with it since firing it up this afternoon. So far, I've run into two bugs that both seem to be something you surely are working on but thought I'd throw it out here anyway. The first one I call it the moses effect. When I designate a group of units to assist another unit, and that unit has a move order, the assisting units need to part like the waters parted for Moses (get it? hardy har an ****) so that said unit can get where said unit is trying to go. More generally this should apply even to units not assigned to assist, but it's been when I've assigned several units to assist a fab, for instance, that I've most often discovered my fabricator mobbed into a corner and unable to proceed with its build Q because of a wall of units sent to assist. My "primary" unit there should have a "staff of moses" that casts a Moses effect or something that parts the sea of units. Another buggy thing that can be real tricky is when a fab unit is building a bunch of units closely together and builds himself into a corner, so to speak and the only way to get him unstuck is to DEL a unit. Maybe that isn't technically a bug and the only answer is to just not build units so close together but it seems like an algorithm to check sufficient pathing after construction prior to starting construction would be pretty reasonable. I am missing an icon in the menu for an advanced fabrication vehicle for the orbital and deepspace radar.
All are known AFAIK. Search before posting. Also bug reports belong on the bug tracker (link is in the beta only forum) and should only be on the forums if they are particularly noteworthy. Thanks!
Yeah. Known stuff. Check out the bug tracker: http://pa.lennardf1989.com/Tracker/ Also, be aware that pathing is being worked on a lot. Many improvements to be had on this. Pathing on a sphere is much more difficult than on a square.
Yeah, like I say, I figure those pathing things were being worked on. Just wanted to drop the notice. I didn't see anything when I searched the forums, but since it doesn't belong here, I guess that makes sense. I'll use the bug tracker from now on, and thanks.