Two suggestions. The map screen is pretty cool. Typically I check which turrets are up - There's an info screen covering up some of the turrets. LazeRazer in particular -- the turrets on the lower right side of the map don't show thru very well. My 1st suggestion is to let me dismiss the info overlay. 2nd suggestion - Somewhere innocuous, and out of the way, it should say what team I'm on - probably on the overlay screen I want to be able to dismiss above. I don't care if it sounds retarded, but yes, it's true, sometimes I forget which color I am. But only because I've played a bazillion games of alternating colors, and I'm shooting at people whose names show up in red, and I don't care what color suit they wear. For what it's worth, I'm glad they added a "you win"/"you lose" -- cause way too often, I couldn't accurately relay which color team I was on.
I have the same problem. The info covers an entire side on the map for me too. It's hard to gauge the bot flow/which side is getting pushed harder from the overhead map. It's probably because I use a smaller tv for gaming. I wouldn't mind the option to turn it off and only get the full view of the map. As for your other problem, I just check my own armor.
Oooooh Thought you mean in-game. I shoot friendlies all the time. For now, check the color of the guy that killed you and is now blocking half your map haha. I personally don't think it's necessary as you'll spawn in soon enough, but an option for that wouldn't be a bad idea.
Are turret deaths colorless? Some deaths are colorless, anyway... There's some percentage of the time I don't have any color/team indication. Also, you should start lookin at that map - the 5 seconds you have with it can give you a ton of board info. You can even make out players on the map if you look hard enough (harm/heal guns are the easiest to spot).
Don't remember, but it was a joke anyhow. As for the map, I was the third post down that agreed wholeheartedly with you. The map was a great idea, I'm glad they put it in. Very useful for the type of game this is.