The Leaving MNC for Brink Posts

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by nephandys, April 13, 2011.

  1. nephandys

    nephandys Member

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    So I've seen a million posts at this point of people saying if they don't get their DLC/Update they're going to jump ship to Brink. Now don't get me wrong this title looks like loads of fun and I wouldn't be surprised if I pick it up as well, but are we all just setting ourselves up for the same situation?

    Brink is releasing for PC as well and we now have at least 2+ examples of class based shooters getting the shaft in one way or another on Xbox. Any guarantee this won't be more of the same?

    Edit: This point was just nailed even harder home for me when I saw the Uncle Tully's update btw DeadStretch and Uber.
    Last edited: April 13, 2011
  2. F5in

    F5in New Member

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    Even if it is, it'll be a game that will hold people for a while. It gives leeway for new games to come out.
  3. MLGIntervention

    MLGIntervention Active Member

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    Its not a arcade game and its made by same people who made boarderlands which is on the Xbox and PC. Boarderlands gets DLC's
  4. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    At least half of the issue has been Microsoft not supporting Uber as well as they should be. This can be attributed to MNC being a XBLA game and Uber being a relatively small, and relatively influence-less studio.

    Brink will be a full title with a huge publisher and big developer backing them. This will force Microsoft to support it better.

    Sad, but true.
  5. nephandys

    nephandys Member

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    Isn't Valve a huge developer with plenty of weight to throw around? Look at TF2 on Xbox. Or is there some different reason for that title's lack of updates?
  6. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    Pretty sure that was just valve being stubborn and wanting to only do things their way. Since they have their own distribution engine, they didn't want XBL distribution to be different from Steam. Microsoft wanted to do it their way, no one budged, TF2 suffered.
  7. nephandys

    nephandys Member

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    That makes sense. Thanks, I wasn't aware.
  8. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Borderlands was developed by GearBox and Published by 2kGames. Brink is developed by Splash Damage and published by Bethesda Softworks. So it's not the same people.

    Even with all the updates and free stuff the PC gets the XBox version still has more people playing it. What does that tell you?
  9. nephandys

    nephandys Member

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    All it tells me is that the point of entry for owning an Xbox 360 and playing games is lower than the POE for owning a PC gaming rig. Also console gaming is generally more popular than PC gaming. Maybe Uber needs to chew on the fact you just presented as well as Microsoft.

    Uber is the one who put it out there before the game launched that we would not be in a TF2 like situation, but we are. I am sick of coming on this site to hear about a 360 update just to see it's only coming to PC instead. I love this game, but especially since I play assassin it really is a bug riddled POS that is in dire need of fixing. Despite that it's a blast, but also rage inducing at the same time.

    I didn't want to turn this into a give me DLC now thread though, so as far as Brink is concerned hope for the best and plan for the worst I guess.
  10. Swamp Tony

    Swamp Tony New Member

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    that there are more people on XBL than Steam?
  11. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    By "it" do you mean TF2, MNC, or Borderlands?
  12. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Monday Night Combat hasn't even been out for a year. Geez the nerve of some people thinking Uber owes them something.

    Uber is a team of 16 people cut them some slack and be patient.
  13. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    At what point should the playerbase cease to be patient, though?

    I can see it from Uber's point of view. They are working hard and trying to support the game. I get it.

    Now see it from the 360 playerbase's point of view. We see updates go to the PC constantly, then we see our game deteriorate from imbalance, lag, stale maps, etc. How long should we patiently wait for an update before we get impatient and stop playing? How long of a time period is considered sufficient, Deadstretch?

    Now, I am not advocating we all start whining and complaining to Uber. That's not going to do anything and we definitely don't "deserve" any DLC from them. But its unreasonable to say that the MNC playerbase is being impatient. Its been a long time since the last update and we have seen 4-5 updates that are past our current build go to the PC.

    Those people who care about the game are going to be vocal about getting it support. They should be. They don't want the game to die. At least not until MNC2 comes out... ;)
    Last edited: April 13, 2011
  14. nephandys

    nephandys Member

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    Seriously? Cut them some slack? They do owe me something at this point - Every patch that has come out on the PC appropriately tailored to the Xbox. You have two sets of paying customers here that have both shelled out roughly the same amount of money, however one set of customers is clearly being treated better than the other. There are a variety of reasons for that most of which are NOT attributable to Uber and rather Microsoft, however, Uber set themselves up for this because they were the one's prior to the game's launch describing how this scenario would not occur. That is one way in which I was successfully sold on the game. They lied, mislead, or were just wrong about that fact, and that's fine, but you can't be surprised that people are upset.

    I realize the game hasn't been out that long and that's why I am not clamoring for new content. However, I would take an update solely focused on class balance and bug fixing. I would pay $20 just for that.

    Btw as the above poster suggested I am only being vocal because I LOVE this game. I have gotten more time out of it vs. money invested than most other titles I own. I don't want to stop playing and I am telling Uber how they can keep me playing it and selling it via word of mouth to my friends. Although this thread has clearly derailed at this point. For that I apologize.
  15. krunkthuzad

    krunkthuzad New Member

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    I've been guilty of demanding more satisfaction from the Uber team more then once, but after reading this thread I have reconsidered a few things.

    I've played this game for well over half a year, and it only cost ten dollars. Just to put that in perspective, that is two and a half gallons of gas. That is half a hat, or two drinks at the bar, I took a cab ride just last weekend that cost five times as much for the price of this game.

    We have all received what we have paid for, anything else they decide to throw at us is simply gravy. As for brink, the game looks fun and I will be buying it and I will continue to play MNC as well. You know, because its fun and a change to balances or an additional map is not going to have a severe impact on the gameplay.

    tl;dr It only cost ten bux I've spent more on a sandwich
  16. nephandys

    nephandys Member

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    Using your sandwich only got 1/2 the sandwich the PC player did and he paid the same amount. Don't get me wrong MNC is more bang for your buck than any game out there and I've certainly gotten my money's worth, I didn't mean to suggest otherwise. Taken in isolation MNC for 360 is the greatest deal ever. However, as soon as you bring the PC version into the mix the picture does not appear that way to me anymore. The PC player bought essentially the same product as me, but has more to show for it, at that point I don't feel I've gotten my money's worth. It looks like the PC player has while I've been short changed.
  17. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    How's this for perspective. Every single person who bought the XBox version can play the game. The same can't be said for the PC players. How about this one the PC counter-part is losing more players with all the content then the XBox version. Not to mention Vavle allows Devs. to update their games as many times and as often as they want while Microsoft does not.

    You also have to factor in all the unforeseen problems the PC version has seen. I can imagine Uber did not plan on fixing problems on the PC side for this long.

    May will say that shouldn't have launched on Steam/PC but can you blame them for wanting to reach a wider audience and therefore make more money.
  18. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    Thats a common problem for all games on the PC. With such different specs and operating systems, PC players are used to this. Still a valid point, though.

    All the more reason to support the more loyal playerbase?

    This is true and could be alot of the cause the 360 is lacking in updates. Doesn't make it any better, though.

    This is a strawman argument and I doubt anyone would actually say this. Everyone knows that: More platforms = wider audience = more money for Uber = more support for current MNC and more possibility of a MNC2.
  19. nephandys

    nephandys Member

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    I get all the reasons and I sympathize with Uber. Unfortunately despite my like for their company, my understanding, and my sympathy this is a tough position to be in - for both the customers and Uber. The reality is that even though the bulk of this is not Uber's fault there are customer's who feel like they're in a bad spot. All of this needs to get resolved across the board; PC and 360 issues alike. As you pointed out Uber is small and may in this case have bitten off more than they can chew. These are hard lessons for businesses to learn and I am not surprised that just starting out Uber has made some mistakes. The true test though is to see how they address these challenges as they arise. As I suggested in a previous thread perhaps simply posting a community message/update on Fridays might go a long way towards everyone feeling like they're in the know, connected with the staff, getting their money's worth, etc.
  20. PlumbumTheEpic

    PlumbumTheEpic New Member

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    Brink seems so ******* generic I can't stand the thought of the forum leaving for it.

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