Out of my entire career in playing MNC, I've never experienced this "invincibility" glitch nor have I seen happen to any of my friends. I only recall seeing it happen about 4 times. What about you guys?
Never happened to me but it happened to my friend, he was stuck on the ground and couldnt get killed but could kills enemies
Has happened to me twice. Both times as assassin. Seen it maybe a handful of times. Every time to an assassin except once, which was to a gunner. He couldn't move unless he was using his jet pack, and his position only updated when he landed.
Got it as a Gunner whilst on their spawn ring :lol: . I've seen it 10 + times, mainly on assassin , tank and assault.
happened to me as a tank getting grappled while deploying near the enemy base. Best part about it was i was right near the moneyball so everyone was trying to kill me and i just kept deploy burning them.