The Gunners Guide (Attention all Gunners!)

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by Askari BluD, August 15, 2010.

  1. Askari BluD

    Askari BluD New Member

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    The Gunner is the dominant force on the battlefield. Second to no one in 1v1 combat; the true juggernaut of the arena.

    Basic Strats & tips

    1) The Gunner commands all situations. He is the last line of defense and the spearhead of all attacks. At the start of the match upgrade Gunner and slam. Push forward, anihilate the enemy bots, and escort your's through.

    2) Never get caught up in a feud or prolonged PvP battle. Your primary objective is to push your bots through and to destroy anything or anyone in the way. Put your self amongst the bots. The bots are excellent bullet shields and hide your presence well.

    3) Although tough the Gunner is not invinsible. Use cover wisely as snipers are your arch enemy.

    4) Remember that no one is your equal in one on one combat. It's not an excuse to play stupidly you still need to use you're brain. Snipers are best avoided. Traverse the avenues they are not watching. If they are heavy on the left forget revenge and push your bots through on the right.

    5) You have the firepower to domminate groups of pro's. You can go 40-1 if you try hard enough but that does not mean you will win. The gunner is as powerful in defense as he is in offense. Be aware of your teams and base situation and act accordingly. If your teams being outgunned on the left take your Duel-Miniguns over and tip the balance. The Gunner dominates the range of his weapon and can change the tide of a battle.

    6) "Gunner v Gunner" is a quick battle who see's who first plays a major factor but there is more to it than that. in a head on GvG battle line up with the enemys face and deploy. Not only does this defend your head but it increases your accuracy and crit chance. Remember that your fire continues even as you're deploying so there is no penalty for doing it; only advantage.

    Theres not much to say about the Gunner apart from him being a fountain of testicular fortitude and ball-crushing badassery. You can be a one man army but your role is to support the team as a whole. You are the tank, you are the turret. Play both roles.

    Any other more precise strats would be nice so please post them.
  2. Merck

    Merck New Member

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    On the topic of snipers, I tend to just hose them down with my mini and hope that will drive them behind cover while I rush past. At this point, I hope they are just in it for the kills and switch to another target.

    And which Endorsements do you use? I've been rolling with Armor, Clip Size, and RoF. Armor for survivability, and if a Rank 1 or 2 (as in, passive skill) assassin grapples you from the front or back, you will survive and either 1) slam, and possibly kill or ring them out as they close in with their blade to try and finish you off, or just hose them down with lead. I use Clip Size and RoF because I hardly ever use the Mortar, and so I like to keep my dual mini spinning for as long as possible.

    As for skill progression, I also buy Slam and Passive first, the slam for the assassins, and passive so that I can get my dual mini early in the game. After I get dual, I normally raise slam to 3, then Deploy. I don't use Gunner grapple unless in a pinch, but normally I raise it to 2 just in case, so I can have a grapple alongside my mini.

    Now, my K/D isn't pretty (I attribute this to player skill), but as you said I can push bots extremely well, especially when coordinating with another gunner. I plan to experiment with using the Mortar to clear enemy bots, though I may have to alter my Endorsements to get the most out of it.
  3. VelociraptorBill

    VelociraptorBill New Member

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    For Endorsements I use Armor/RoF/Accuracy. I'd really love Reloading somewhere in there, but I need the RoF for the mortar and accuracy for the damage increase at longer ranges.
  4. DrSnaggletooths

    DrSnaggletooths Member

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    Love gunner. It's my main.

    I personally play the gunner very offensively. So I don't bother with any endorsements that aren't offense related (minus maybe health regen). Gunner is probably the most firepower heavy class in the game. Might as well use it. I usually go 3:1 kd. More if we have a good support player.

    I also only upgrade 2 slots, as the rest, like deployed are rather worthless, imo. I see little point of deploy in crossfire. Upgraded grappler seems kind of silly since no one should get that close to you anyway, and if they do, it's slam + shoot (assuming they don't ringout). I use the extra money on bots/eject/juice.

    As for GvG, my personal method is get the drop on them if possible, do a grappler to get their health down quick/disorient them, slam, and then just lay into them with fire. Done right, you'll take minimal damage.

    All other classes (assault in particular), mortar at long range, lay into them with fire, and if they're not dead by the time they get to you, pre-slam the charge.
  5. AceoStar

    AceoStar New Member

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    Sorry for posting this in two threads, I just figured it'd be better to have it in a few places as Im sure others are wondering the same thing.

    I always upgrade my passive gun to max right off the bat to get my dual miniguns. However, I've noticed something odd lately. Every once in a while, it seems that my bullet count is doubled and my target crosshairs are significantly smaller. Is this a side effect of overtime or is there some upgrade that I am getting and just don't realize it?

  6. PuRe x MaGiCkZ x

    PuRe x MaGiCkZ x New Member

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    In overtime all of your endorsements are upped to gold level so that will be the reason why :)
  7. AceoStar

    AceoStar New Member

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    Thanks for the info. Does that mean if I put my clip size as my gold endorsement that I'd have double the rounds on my ammo meter? Also, I assume the smaller crosshairs are a result of a gold accuracy endorsement?
  8. xeserox

    xeserox New Member

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    Personally... I used gold Accuracy, silver reload speed and bronze speed, though I am thinking about switching bronze to crit. I've been on some wicked kill streaks with this set up... but just not the elusive 25 kills in a row... closest was 21... and thats because I made a mistake.. :(

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