just though i'd drop this here but.... http://wccftech.com/details-nvidia-geforce-gtx-790-finally-surface-4992-cuda-cores-10-gb-memory-5/ perfect card for PA no? tons of VRAM, exactly what PA preys on.
no those dual-gpu cards aren't recognised by the system as SLI. to my knowledge even if they don't go above dual SLI because of the number of cores.
There is no magic in dual GPU cards, they don't use any new technologies compared to single GPU. Rendering on dual GPU cards works exactly as on SLI/CFX, it's just get less micro stuttering because of lower delays.
Unless you expect to run EVERY game maxed out and get constant 60-144fps i have a asus gtx 780 ti OC for that ,and cards like the 790 work bether.. Honastly The standard 780 its moore then enouth to get moore then 60 fps in almost every games will be and are out. I think with the quality cards now, iff you got 1920*1080 you really dont need wast moore then 500 euros to have a top performance at 60 fps that is moore then enouth to you have fluid games,since cpu are no longer so important to games. CPU ex i have made a test( i have i5 2500k and i7 4770k) the i5 with lower oc with a temperature about 37°C with my gtx 780 ti on same system only loose about 2/4 fps to the i7 4770k on all games i got, there is no diference in games . but iff you want play on ultra resolutions well yes thats a bether card.