Sony said it believed at a minimum information including name, address, e-mail, birthday, and PSN login information were obtained. It also said that it was possible that both purchase history and also credit card information may have been compromised as well, although not the security code. An outside security firm was hired to investigate what happened. ... 1303849206
My xbox account info got hacked at around the same time as psn going down. I feel pretty discriminated against here. Post reported (not really)
I bet ps3'ers enjoy their free interwebs they usually brag about now. Seriously tho, would suck to have a ps3 now
We got rid of our ps3 ages ago, but I don't know if my credit card info was on there. EDIT: It wasn't. I think it's really unfair to target ps3 players' bank accounts, seeing as they were screwed out of more of their money by buying the damn thing.
I got myself a console and a blu-ray player when they were expensive as hell. A rather good deal actually. Also: ITT: fanboyism.
Hmm thinking about it, i have a psp with credit card info on it, tho havent used for a loong time and the psp broke just few weeks ago ... I owned a PS2 because original xbox sucked hard. I now own a 360 because unlike he ps3, it does no suck. I hold no loyalty to game companies. Nintendo is also in dire need of less suck. They don't care because they're jerking it with all the money they made off he Wii.
Sign of a good company right there. This is awesome by the way. Oh, might as well ask. You said the PS3 sucks. What exactly sucks about the console?
Many things. Some of my main concerns are the controllers. I think they're flimsy and cheaply made. I get pissed when I play games. My 360 controller constantly wins its battles with my wall. I can't expect the same from the PS3's. I'm also not going to throw a buddies controller to test my theory. Another is the exclusives. They aren't my type of games. I'm not saying the 360 exclusives are any better. I get more enjoyment out of them though. I find the UI of the PS3 confusing and difficult to navigate every time I try to use it. I've heard rumors of a "kill chip" but I have no sound data to back up the reason. My dislike of the PS3 is mostly my opinion. There are things that the PS3 does well but I prefer the 360 exponentially more.
Mine is robust (original one without that stupid rumble). Threw it against my wall several times and it's still kickin'. Haven't thrown my 360 controller though. Gotta test that.
For the Xbox (or console in general)? Sorry sir, but that is ridiculous and stupid. Same goes for Oblivion, Fallout 3/New Vegas and all the following ones.
Didn't play Halo until 2 had been out for a long *** time and even then it was at a friend's house. Fable and Morrowind were my first PC loves. Mercenaries didn't catch my attention. To be fair, my taste in games was strange back then. I played a **** load of counter-strike and got into constant arguments about how 1.6 is superior to Source. I still defend that point. Also, digging the sig love.
Meh, PS2 got FFXII (my fav of the FF series), Jak and Daxter series, Ratchet and Clank series, Sly Cooper series, and God of War 1 & 2. I'm pretty well satisfied with my PS2. <p>Not sure whats with all the fanboyism. It seems to be based on mostly opinion, sans one mistake (removing OtherOS sparked the whole PSN thing).
Seriously? That's like, one of the worst games in the series (XIII being the worst and IX being the best).
It's one of those games that either you will love or hate. It's definitely different from the other FF games in both story and gameplay. The MMO style gameplay seemed to contrast to the other FF games Ive played. The story is highly political, further broadening the contrast. I felt the story line suited my tastes well considering some of the books I've read. Graphics for a PS2 game are absolutely remarkable, but that's beside the point. But again, this is all my own opinion.