The Future of PA

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by Zaphys, March 29, 2015.

  1. Neumeusis

    Neumeusis Active Member

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    If they have the needed expertise, why not ? Could be a reconversion field.
    Sarcasm aside, i don't know what Uber should do, because i don't know what they are doing or not. At least i hope there is someone kicking the manufacturers in the nuts everyday if not more for them to speed-up the process.
    Physical Rewards is a bomb slowly ticking and if it is not taken care of before their next step it could hurt them badly...
  2. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    "Sorry PA has been discontinued, but please check out our awesome tshirt production"
    :D :D :D

    Not attacking you, just joking around. Yeah they should try to get finished with the physical goods. And if only to make my mother happy. I told her I will get t-shirts form the game I spent unreasonable amounts of money on and now she asks me constantly "are they here yet?"
    Last edited: March 30, 2015
    Neumeusis and websterx01 like this.
  3. doud

    doud Well-Known Member

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    At some point one must not forget it's all about business. Unless they have other sources of revenue, i hardly understand how they could add new features for free. Even if they were promised during kickstarter. At some point people will have to accept that Uber did their best to deliver as much stuff as possible. I hardly understand how one could not fall into "over promising" when using kickstarter. But in the case of Uber, as far as i am concerned, i consider they have delivered a lot, considering all the tech challenges and the small team. Such a game from an indie studio is never seen before. So I'm definitly against a free expansion. One the one hand, either the community is mature enough to understand people can't work for free forever, on the other hand, the community does not get it, and you can say goodbye to the expansion.

    Now if by chance Uber considers there's a chance to make a profitable expansion, then i would be in favor of
    1) Biome improvements
    2) enhanced Planetary editor
    2) Orbital warfare improvements
    3) New units
    4) Multi units transport unit
    And probably a few other things.

    In both cases i will never blame Uber for moving on other stuff to keep the studio profitable.
    warrenkc, cdrkf, MrTBSC and 1 other person like this.
  4. bengeocth

    bengeocth Post Master General

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    you're right, I haven't played in a few months
  5. wpmarshall

    wpmarshall Planetary Moderator

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    Personally, I hope Uber moves on, I feel PA is getting to the point of being a dead horse continually flogged :/
    It's awesome that there is as much support for the game that there is from the dev team, however when you look at the wider gaming community so many still hold grudges because of the alpha price tag. Even when the game is a steal at £5 all the naysayers come out - and it'll be the same if not worse if an expansion pack is announced/released.

    Given I haven't really been privy to what happened with MNC and SMNC I can't say what sort of reaction people will have if another game in that series is announced. I personally hope its one of those games as I regret not being able to spend a lot of time with the SMNC beta when I had it :/

    As for a new IP, I think Uber might have to turn to publishers? I really don't know too much about these things but crowdfunding for them isn't going to work for a while now sadly, especially after HR :(

    Though as we did see with HR, all the naysayers came scrabbling back out of their caves for no reason other than sport. It's more a question of can they get the right marketing with their next game to show people that the naysayers are bumbling baffoons who have nothing better to do than make noise in cyberspace.

    As for my moving on from PA, that is something that is still in the air, but PA will always be quite dear to me for many reasons. I'm going to be taking a break from casting - I haven't had time to play with the new patch at all and given exams are coming up I won't have for a good couple of months - if there is still demand for my casting at that time I'll be more than up for it, but until then I'll keep away from the 1v1 scene I think.
  6. Remy561

    Remy561 Post Master General

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    I'd buy an expansion pack immediately with these additions!! Official mod manager should also be added, many many polish fixes and of course a totally revamped galactic war that will make reviewers love the game, instead of tell everyone to skip the game!

    Btw, funny now that Uber is getting more silent again, that all the theories about PA's future come up again :p
  7. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    I don't think there is any merit in giving in to the vocal trolls. Estimates show that PA has 600-700k owners on steam plus all the people who have it off steam (does the retail version of PA come with steam or without?)
    If you take that many random people some of them are bound to be trolls.

    I think PA also has a lot more potential. There is very likely a large amount of people who really loved the idea, gave it a try and didn't like the execution. Fixing those problems could get quite a lot of players back and I am sure most of them would be willing to pay a few extra $ for such problem fixes. Sure not up front. But I am sure even the worst critics would get interested if a released expansion were to received positive feedback from press and players.

    people get easily extremely restless. The most current info from jables is something like "save/load, balance, planets, and some other things they do not want to talk about before they know they are fun". And that's only a few days old.
    Apparently just knowing they work on "something" isn't enough to make people question everything.
    Zaphys, MrTBSC, Remy561 and 3 others like this.
  8. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    uber moving on is just a matter of time however moving on too soon would give a negative look on uber kind of confirming what people said bout previous games ( yes smnc was just not profitable and mnc was dificult to deal with because of MS) in which uber just seemed to gave up on them ...
    idealy they stick with PA until it has what it needs and that actualy isn´t too much anymore even though that might be a bit of work speaking about reworking galactic war and adding multiunittransports (and hopefully hovercrafts + factory :p) ... also MODSUPPORT !!!

    so from my POV they could/should give PA at least till end of autumn then savely move from PA to their next projects ...
  9. planktum

    planktum Post Master General

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    Uber has been extremely quiet of late.
  10. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    easter? vacation? it´s merely a couple days ago since the last update and that already russles your jimmies?
  11. arm2thecore

    arm2thecore Active Member

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    Maybe a new policy of not communicating with the community?
  12. kalherine

    kalherine Active Member

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    So now after that 6 months that i told will be quiet.

  13. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    soooo you are happy that a game dies or what?
  14. tenaciousc

    tenaciousc Active Member

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    Man, a lot of negativity. I was really disappointed in the lack of save. Not only the lack of save but the lack of news about the lack of save. Now, it's here in some fashion, which gives me hope. I follow the forum a lot and see the PTE and the live updates and it gives me hope. I've been playing the game, still putting my computer to sleep because I can't save GW, but I'm enjoying it. Unit cannon is cool. I'm finally getting into it and it sounds like there's a lot more to come. I think we should be hopeful.
  15. jables

    jables Uber Employee

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    We are being quiet as I'm buried with other work currently :p @mkrater has a new PTE being tested now, which should have I believe 3 new map ideas from @tvinita as well as bug fixes and some balance changes. Mainly we are concentrating on bug fixing and Save/Load implementation.
  16. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    And people wondering what "other" work could occupy you results in threads like this.

    We're a restless bunch.
  17. planktum

    planktum Post Master General

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    Could we please have another medium term road map? Please, pretty please, pretty pretty please :) What are you guys going to be working on after this bug fixing and Save/Load implementation?
    ace63 likes this.
  18. ace63

    ace63 Post Master General

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    Inb4 "Jables is no longer working on PA!!!!"
  19. planktum

    planktum Post Master General

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    Just a little bit of positivity for this thread... Uber are awesome! PA is awesome! I'm going to be playing PA for a long time, so Uber might as well not bother with another project, because I won't buy it, because I won't have time to play it, because I'll be playing PA :)
    cdrkf, Zaphys and arm2thecore like this.
  20. jables

    jables Uber Employee

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    I'm still working on PA the same amount as before, but as director of production, I oversee the entire studio's production pipeline.

    I'll get a upcoming work post sometime soon. Just need to finish up work on this other stuff first.
    wpmarshall, Remy561, cdrkf and 9 others like this.

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