Try it, delicious friend. It works best with a Twitter account. Excellently-written, and much better than a certain agriculture-based browser game.
Eleven per cent? An otherwise tedious anarchist pamphlet gained some notoriety when it claimed that eleven per cent of the citizens of Fallen London had traded, lost or otherwise mislaid their souls. An exaggeration, certainly. But the Bazaar does not permit the publication of the real number. Look around you when you next take a seat on a crowded omnibus. The girl sitting next to you could quite easily be one of the soulless. Basically, Victorian London plunged into the earth, and now exists half way between the surface and Hell. It's text-based, which is grand because of the excellent writing. It's constantly getting updates and fixes. It's well worth a go, expecially if you have friends who play it on Twitter/Facebook - you really need some of the rewards they can get you.