The Community Solidarity Thread

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by ticklemeelmo, June 13, 2013.

  1. ticklemeelmo

    ticklemeelmo Member

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    I have been reading a lot of hate today, and recently on the forums about a variety of issue, and so have the devs. So i'm taking it upon myself to make a thread that explicit goal is for people to post positive comments for the devs to read. So they see the rest of us are still out there and stand with them.

    I for one would like to thank Uber team for having balls of steel to set out on an uncharted voyage to make our dreams come true. The interaction with the community you have shown is something I have never seen before, and I really appreciate and enjoy getting to watch this game form and grow. The Alpha is fantastic, it exceeded my expectations. I have a blast playing it and testing the game as well as submitting reports. I really feel a sense of person investment in this project. Something I have not felt since I used to participated in open source projects. I absolutely loved watching the latest live stream, now checking to see the latest patch note from Garat are. Your vision for this game and the ideas you embrace (openness, mod-ability, inclusiveness) are a shining example of what I dream about game developers embracing. I can't wait to see where this journey goes, but I am already certain this game will be Legendary.

    People need to be reminded of the good things they do from time to time, otherwise they wind up with a skewed view of themselves. Share if you agree.
  2. gobhoblin

    gobhoblin New Member

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    I for one loved SMNC and thought it was one of the most fun and original games made for the competitive crowd in quite some time, I only wish it had more followers. PA looks fantastic and despite the fumble they made today on Steam I am very much looking forward to the final release.
  3. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    When the steam folk come in, see your post of praise, followed by your signature... they probably only get ammo for their twisted arsenal.

    I am just sorry for the devs, after seeing all their hard work and knowing this game will, from the engine to the vanilla release game, will kick so much ***, I hate seeing their work slandered by people acting like alpha is a game sale offer.

    At least, as a Buddhist, I know that, as with all turmoil in life and work and such, that this can't plausibly last very long. The game releases in 6 month, that gives steam folk THAT long at MOST to slander PA. Beta is in 3, so not even that long. Heck, I think the steam site is down for this game, so hopefully that kills off 80% of it. I just wish this period of turmoil the least longevity it could have.
  4. insany

    insany New Member

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    Just ignore the steam haters, It's normal in a world with a lot of idiots things happen like this.

    I want to say this to devs:

    Don't take those hating low lives seriously, I know you all working with all your love on this game and a lot of people do. Just keep up the good work.

    Im from the Netherlands and a lot of guys here are very positive what uber is doing with PA.
  5. nlspeed911

    nlspeed911 Member

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    Why, hello there!

    And yes, Uber, you chose exactly the right name. Alas, now I'm going to bed, otherwise I'd write a longer post. :p
  6. thefreemon

    thefreemon Member

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    Haters gonna hate.

    Thanks to the evolution of recent years, many "PC gamers" have learned from many other developers that an alpha or a beta is simply a demo. For many, it's a way to try a game before it's released, and usually for cheaper. That is not the point of the PA Alpha nor should it be of any alpha. Some developers have distorted the objective of Alpha and Beta tests so much that only a few really understand what they should be about. They should be about game development, community building and bug squashing!

    Uber knows that. And most of us here, know that. The hate will come and go. We will use the privilege of being alpha and beta testers to help Uber build a better game, while we ignore all the mindless hate that less gifted individuals throw at Uber and PA.
  7. GreenBag

    GreenBag Active Member

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    +1 I have to think Uber have treated their original backers with respect.
  8. xosk00

    xosk00 New Member

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    Hey, just remember: No matter what, no matter the circumstances, whatever you do, there will be someone that will think it is a bad idea. Even if you don't know that they think it.

    Oh wait! This is supposed to be a positive forum with happy stuff... *thinks for a few minutes*.

    Oh look at the elmo, don't you just want to tickle it? :lol: I had to say that.

    But seriously, I absolutely like what Uber is doing and really want them to go through with it without any regrets. I love Total Annihilation, I love Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance, I pretty much love most RTS that I played.

    As my signature sort of implies: If I had infinite money, I would give all in order to play Planetary Annihilation because that is just how AWESOME I think this game will be.

    Be proud of your ideas! And live on happily!

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