What's up, been playing MNC for a while now and just started up again around Christmas, so I decided to finally post on the forums mostly to make Zatchmo to stop telling me to post. but I plan on enjoying my time here. I also wonder if anyone here played with me pre spunky cola? Main Assassin Alt Sniper/Gunner
I've been on the opposite end of your Gunner a few times, not sure if you've played other classes versus me. I was somewhat annoyed, so you were doing something right. =P
Welcome man. I remember playing against you when you were sniping. You were an effective pain in the ***.
You don't have to keep track of me. I'm delicious dessert, he's fattening beef. I make the ladies' mouths water. Five Star and Foxy. Oh Yeah.
I was just saying that a lot of threads get derailed. Even though this a just an introduction, it's a good example.
C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER! sorry, it just had to be done i think i might have played against you once or twice, and if so it was when you were sniping.