The best match EVER!

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by AmazeTheory, January 4, 2011.

  1. AmazeTheory

    AmazeTheory New Member

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    Man! Times like these I just love this game! Spunky Cola FTW! Support FTW!
    (Quick note: No bashing of the game, pure love thread)

    So I'm just going to describe this match in epic detail and then anyone else can post their best/ most fun game of epicness. It was 6v6 right down to the last few seconds of over time. The connection was fine and the other team all even said good game afterwards.

    It started out in style. A casual lvl 1 Airstrike across the mid section straight onto the head of an invis assassin :mrgreen: We tried to push up near to the spawn to place some fire bases but there was also a Gunner/Support duo like our team and they gave us a run for our money. The game is really so much more fun when it goes back and forth and your KD at the end is 32-20. Me and the 2 other supports sat back for a good portion at the start, say 5 minutes, healing turrets and upgrading. Then all of a sudden we some pesky assassin juicing it up in our faces, and managed to take down 2 LVL 2 RockIts. So I was just like Screw this, and we turned into this offensive support train and manage to get 3 Firebases in their bot wave spawner. It went back and forth like this and we kept finding new places to place them, but they'd always get us eventually.

    It ended up they have a tiny bit of health higher than our ball. We both had damaged ones, but ours a bit more. It was about 4 minutes to overtime, and they were really pushing us back. Not spawn area but just keeping bots forward. I just managed to get some juice and got a quick shotty triple. Just as overtime hit we got 3 LVL 3 RockIts and they just couldn't push. The supports were trying to juice rush alone and just died so fast. We all suddenly had juice ready and as it hit 30 seconds for overtime. Almost pissing myself at the site of us, triple juiced support train racing through Spunky Cola, we actually hacked a lvl 2 RockIt, and shottied that moneyball to pulp. Me and one other support actually got squished in the last seconds, but the other just managed to finish it off. It was seriously about 7 seconds overtime left counting down and I didn't think he was going to get it done. (Reason for panic, that pesky assassin was juicing up our ball at the same time. It was just soo tense, and a rush of relief came with that finish. I was actually really mad during the whole game at that assassin, (still think supports should be able to survive grapples) but at the end I was like "Hey that was a whole MNC game and we won by the skin of our teeth!"

    I fear this is the only time I'll have a game like this. First and last.
  2. x Zatchmo

    x Zatchmo New Member

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    Oh ya, games like this are few and far between these days. This sounded epic!
  3. Pineapple Kushx

    Pineapple Kushx New Member

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  4. Wandrian Wvlf

    Wandrian Wvlf New Member

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  5. Z Bear

    Z Bear New Member

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    This awesome match brought to you by Uber Entertainment.

    I just love matches like that. They're why I'm addicted to this game, and will play through 20 mediocre matches just to get that rush from a great match.

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