1. An Artic Fox

    An Artic Fox New Member

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    I know I'm going to get trolled for this but oh well. I'm going to be very clear and blunt on this. I hate the Assassin! Now I know they are made of paper in ehalth and need to be in close but really...a cloaking fast moving coward ruins the game for me. but to be fair I hate them cause of how overpowering thier juice is. I have a level 3 hacked rocket turret up an assassin juices smoke bombs it and it gone in half a second, and when teams spam nothing but assassins and all of them juice and come in our base at once. Another thing is I listen for the assassin cloak so I can be ready, but half the time I'ts a team mate cloaked. I really wish you could only hear enemy assassins cloak. The lunge grapple combo is not as bad as it used to be for me but i think there should be a cool down from lunging to grappling. everything else about her can stay the same of be buffed even. There I said what I wanted to say. Good day all!
  2. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    Juiced gunners are better at killing turrets, and the cloak thing is being addressed in the DLC.
  3. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    She is also the easiest pro to crowd control and ring out while juiced because she has to get into melee range to do her damage unless she is using the S-Launcher.

    I think the juice nerf + lowering the cost of rock-it turrets + only hearing cloaked enemy assassins + learning to run TOWARDS juiced assassins would reduce a number of your complaints.
  4. Ninja Wallace

    Ninja Wallace New Member

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    Wait, hold on a second.

    Foxes don't have opinions!
  5. sxd24

    sxd24 Member

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    As an experienced Support player, I can feel your pain on the Juice-gain aspect of the Assassin, ESPECIALLY since the patch introduced the health-regen Juice glitch. At heart, I know I'm a better defensive Support player than I am offensive, but when I build up a base of 6 turrents, several of which are hacked, only to see it ALL go down by an Assassin with a full health bar, it's really disheartening, and with the upcoming nerf to the Lazer Blazers, I only see it becoming worse (but at least the Juice glitch will be gone!)

    The only advice I can give you is to try and kill them before they use Juice, counter-Juice, utilize grapples and charges, and try to 0HKO (Air Strikes, Head Crabs, Flapjacks, etc) if possible.

    The hum is being changed in the DLC, which is good, I guess. Helps rid of paranoia. :lol:

    And I think the lunge-grapple shouldn't have a cooldown, even if I do hate it as much as you do. You should know, if you've ever played as the Assassin, that getting Dagger/Sword kills WITHOUT using the lunge, grapple, or Juice are slim to none (unless, of course, the person being assaulted goes full retard). Those moves are what makes the Assassin... the Assassin, and shouldn't be tampered.
  6. AARPS

    AARPS New Member

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    I'm soooooooo excited for the patch! I've really come to feel the same way as the OP on more than a few games. And I've had entire fields wiped out on more occasions than I care to remember. Disheartening is the perfect word for it. That was actually what got me onto building shaves, if nothing else they make the sin visible so you can be as proactive a possible.

    @Shammas is that true? Once I read this I realized that I've never seen a juiced gunner that played that style. I usually see them take 1 maybe 2 then Pro/Bots/MB.
  7. Cheesecakecrush

    Cheesecakecrush New Member

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    A juiced gunner's triple mortar will annihilate turrets and is near unstoppable since they'll juice from range instead of inside your base.

    What people need to worry about are juiced tanks. Seriously.
  8. krunkthuzad

    krunkthuzad New Member

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    A juiced pro effective at killing things? Must be a bug, I'm sure juice will be patched out completely soon.
  9. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Support's shotgun can kill an Assassin in one hit. I hate Supports. kthxbai
  10. Obsydianyte

    Obsydianyte New Member

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    Sounds like you need to put on some armor, friend. That should never be the case.
  11. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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    Grappling a juiced assassin as a Support is difficult at best, even with armor. I usually fail half the time, giving them a free kill instead of just staying out of her way.
    That's all the Support's grapple is good for, wasting about 2-3 seconds of someone's juice.... after which they will probably kill you.
  12. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Funny part is I run Gold Armor.
  13. Obsydianyte

    Obsydianyte New Member

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    And you are getting one-shotted by the shotgun? You must be facing some Offense-oriented Supports, then.

    I've never been OHKO'd by a Support's shotgun. It takes two, maybe three shots, as far as I've seen. But I've never been hit *point-blank* by their shotgun, so...

    I don't usually approach a Support in a manner that would warrant such a situation to occur, really. If I AM being hit by their Shotgun, it's usually by scattershot and said Support is just blindly firing, trying to off me, by which time I've cleanly escaped unless by unfortunate happenstance I'm under a bridge.
  14. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    I actually get chased by Supports with that Shotgun halfway across the map. It's really sad how an Assassin can't actually outrun a Support.
  15. Obsydianyte

    Obsydianyte New Member

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    Therein lies the problem. Shotguns may not fire far, but once a Support's onto you, you have a very limited time to escape from its radius of fire.

    Instead of fleeing on a horizontal plane, try going vertical, a la Smokebomb. If things go wrong, it's the first thing I do. Bullets fly straight forward, not up. Not without aiming. Focus on running after the fact you're out of range of fire.

    Not only that, if you're close enough to be caught in a Shotgun's radius, you're close enough to blind the Support, aiding your escape.
  16. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Yep, in this particular instance, the first thing I did was smoke bomb. Problem is, my smoke bombs fail more than 50% of the time (really wish they'd fix this). So after that, I utilized my level 1 sprint to the best of my ability combined with lunges and still got killed. It was ridiculous.
  17. Obsydianyte

    Obsydianyte New Member

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    Ah, I see.

    Lunges are borderline impractical when running away due solely to the fact that there is a slight pause before and after the actual lunge. You're better off just sprinting using Dash. Lunges are better put to use to CLOSE a distance, not gain it.

    I humbly suggest upgrading your Dash more often if you plan to use it to get away.
  18. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Yeah probably should've mentioned this was early on in the game, maybe like the first 2 minutes. I tend to upgrade passive to level 3 first, and then sprint and cloak to level 2. He happened to be rushing my base for some unknown reason while I was pushing bots.
  19. Obsydianyte

    Obsydianyte New Member

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    Oh? It's uncommon for a Support to rush a Base. He must not have been the only Support on his team. If a Support is doing his job correctly, he should be monitoring home Turrets by hacking and healing, with a cleverly hidden Firebase somewhere on the map to catch unwary enemy Pros off Guard, healing any nearby ally Pros if necessary.

    I don't think a Support should go out of his way to do ANYthing, really. Your case is quite odd indeed.

    But I digress. It looks like paying sole attention to your Passive skill early hindered you. There's plenty of time in the game to fully upgrade your Passive--use the 300 dollars you get at the start to upgrade two skills instead (perhaps Passive and Dash, but this is just a suggestion). If you're Bot pushing, you'll make enough money to fully upgrade Passive in no time.

  20. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Yeah I've never actually had the need to upgrade sprint that early on. Gunners and Assaults are typically the first to rush and they're easy to get away from. The Support really caught me off guard.

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