I am sure everyone is curious. How much and what will we get in the digital artbook? Coz at the moment, i am dying to know how you guys will design everything. And with the preorder at 90$, i really want a huge artbook filled with everything Uber designed of significance. Will it contain the commanders? the structures? everything? including the custom commanders? I really want to see them all, and most likely i will not meet any of the custom commanders ingame. So i hope we will get a big big digital artbook covering everything
chances of it containing all of everything is kinda silly, I expect it will show related concepts to things that ended up in the game, with maybe a section devoted to concepts for things that didn't make it into the game. Books aren't cheap to print, and the bigger they are the more expensive they get, especially with color and such. Mike
Right............Until you get to the 250$ Backer Level(and including all higher tiers it's exactly 600 people) where it becomes a printed Artbook. Mike
Preorder 90$ is containing a digital artbook. Which is what i was referring to. It miiight be the same amount of content in it as the printed artbook.
It is the same content. It's a ton of work to create a single art book. Creating two? We're not insane. Well.. ok.. Not THAT insane.
So you're saying the higher backers should get an inferior artbook just because it's printed? Not really fair. Mike
Ty for responding with this. Well since u took it that way, no i did not ask if the higher backers will get a inferior artbook. Then that would have been the question. On the contrary, do you think the digital should be inferior? My general question would've been if the digital would be identical to the printed. Not really fair that you look down on the other backers and preorders either, since u kinda just put that up. You only managed to back the game coz u knew about it, would have had more backers probably if there were more widespread info. I would've backed it out in september if i had known about it. Dont twist the nipple. it wasnt about inferior artbooks, and hence, since it's already been said its identical only that the one is in print and the other is digital, its pretty much not possible to discuss if its inferior or not when its the same. Unless you like books more than PC.
All right, I concede, but still, the idea that they would create two different versions is pretty silly, just take the files used to create the printed version, tweak and jigger them a bit then release them as the digital version. Mike
I wonder how it is possible to have missed the KS. Sure not everybody is deeply involved with the FA-community, but news about the PA-KS basically spread through all IT and gaming-media I am following. So even if had not been informed through people I know from playing FA, I would have read about PA in the news somewhere. Do you live behind the moon are something? Or rather: did you live behind the moon back when the KS was running? I don't mean to be insulting, I am really interested in how it was possible to miss the KS. Anyone who just reads some gaming- or IT-news once a week should have known about it.
At the time i was busy with, you know, real life, being a student at the university. That should answer you enough on your rude question.
Maybe I am just too addicted to reading news-sides and that's why I have problems to understand this. I think even while I was learning for my exams I was wasting time like that xD. I didn't mean to be rude, sorry.
thy are forgivenz! quitted the university after 3 months. place was ****. :mrgreen: August-November. probably the reason i missed the PA news.