The Art of the Troll-Support

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by JON10395, October 16, 2011.

  1. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    *Work In Progress*

    The Support can be one of the funnest classes to play if done right. I have received well over 100 rage-messages from teammates and enemy players telling me I cheat or that I'm bad because I don't heal them. My answer to that - The Art of the Troll-Support.

    Since this guide is written mainly for experienced players who already have a firm grasp on the Support, I'm going to skip over all of the standard guide sh*t like Endorsements and Upgrade orders.

    Let's get started, shall we.

    Basic Principles:

    1. Don't heal anyone.
    They're better off dead. Seriously, do you really want a bunch of friendly Pros running around stealing your kills? I don't. Besides, we're not just trolling the enemy here. There are eleven potential trollees on the field, we want 'em all!

    If a teammate is on fire and black-barred running at you, shotgun them...repeatedly.
    If someone shouts into the mic demanding that you heal them, tell them no.
    If a friendly Gunner unloads a clip of bullets into you, drop an Airstrike at your feet and Jet-ski taunt.

    You get it, movin' on.

    2. Ignore the concept of map-control.
    It really doesn't matter where the fighting is taking place, you need to be somewhere else. Ideally, you'd like to position yourself behind enemy lines. If the enemy team has you blocked in, go around them and get a firebase set up. This makes it much easier to abide by Basic Principle #1 as there will be no Pros to heal.

    Right out of the gate, try to get a firebase set up on the enemy spawn ring.
    Once behind enemy lines, SHOTGUN EVERYTHING.
    Ejectors are your BFF! Especially when you're behind the enemy.

    3. Spend your money poorly
    That's right, we're talking about building the worst possible turrets in the worst possible spots. Long shots on Steel Peel, Level one Lazer Blazers EVERYWHERE (don't forget to hack 'em to Level 1.)

    'Nuff said.

    Class Specific Strategies:

    Assault (Friendly)
    This one is easy. Since the Assault is a natural coward, all you have to do is wait for him to get himself hurt, charge to you for some sweet lovin' and you do not heal him. When he inevitably dies, taunt on his corpse.

    Assault (Enemy)
    To troll an enemy Assault, you are going to have to be careful. What I like to do is get behind them (ignoring map control) and shotgun them once to get their attention. Once you've taken over half their health, they will generally charge at you. Just jump to the side and dodge it. Then, you will need to switch weapons. Since they just wasted their charge, you can drain-gun them the rest of the way. Now Jet-ski taunt.

    Support (Friendly)
    Lotsa fun to be had here! All you need to do is make sure your hack remains at Level 1. Whenever the other Support on your team decides to hack something, hack it down to 1. Also, put your firebase (Level 1, of course) in front of theirs.

    Support (Enemy)
    If you are playing correctly, you will have plenty of encounters with this motherf*cker, as you should almost always be behind enemy lines. He is a little bit more difficult to deal with because he is typically in a good position to hide within his base. However, kill him anyway. It really doesn't matter if you die getting the kill. What really matters is that he knows you died to kill him, right? Right.

    Gunner (Friendly)
    If they can claw, or they think they can, try to get yourself positioned directly underneath them. This should make their job relatively difficult.

    If they can't claw, just do everything you can to block their bullets from hitting their intended target. Try your hardest to be in the way of progress.

    Gunner (Enemy)
    A clawing Gunner is relatively difficult to pester. They are usually very aware of what's going on all around the map and are rarely in a position for you to get to them. What I've been doing is waiting for a good time to utilize Silent-Airstrikes. That technique will be covered later on in the guide.

    Assassin (Friendly)
    This should really be the only Pro you want to heal, BUT ONLY WHEN THEY'RE CLOAKED. Follow them around and heal them as much as possible. This will obviously give away their position to the enemy team, duh.

    Assassin (Enemy)
    The Shotty is more than enough to make Assassins rage. Make sure you taunt every kill, no matter the circumstance. If, for some reason, the Assassin stops going for revenge kills against you, hunt them! :twisted:

    Tank (Friendly)
    A friendly Tank is a fair amount of fun to toy with. A few things that work very well are; not healing them, Jump-pad blocking (to be covered later), and my favorite - stand behind them when they get into trouble. They will usually turn to charge out of danger, but you will be right in the way.

    Tank (Enemy)
    The enemy Tank will be the most difficult to anger. Most Tanks will burn a Support down before anything can be, buy Juice and Juice-Hunt them. Taunt, taunt, taunt.

    Sniper (Friendly)
    Since most Snipers rely heavily on Ice Traps, your job is to detonate those traps. You will probably need Gold Skill Recovery to somewhat keep up, but if you can get him killed even once, you have done your job.

    Sniper (Enemy)
    Again, Traps. Many Snipers are completely oblivious to their surroundings until one of their traps are set off. What you want to do is avoid the traps and Sui-strike them. The Sui-strike will also be covered later in this guide.

    Frequently, you will come across an enemy Sniper that has absolutely no gun-skill. They're also a lot of fun to mess with. You will more than likely get yourself rung out by using this method, but it's f*cking hilarious. Run up to them and step into the ice trap that is more than likely right next to them. Once you have set off the trap, begin to drain their health. More often than not they will run up to you to try to throw you off the map. Just drop an Airstrike at your feet and let them throw you out of the blast radius.

    Troll-Support (Friendly)
    There aren't very many ways to get a reaction out of this fella. He is basically on the same wavelength as you are. Try a couple Jump-pad blocks, or spend a few moments trying to grapple him. If you don't get a reaction, move on. After the match ends, send him rage-mail.

    The Dance: Troll-Support (Enemy)
    Again, a bit more difficult than any other enemy Pro to harass. Here's what I do; once the enemy Support notices you, switch to your Heal-Hurt. Then rapidly melee and tap Left Trigger. More times than not they see the red light in the tip of your gun and will melee back at you, signifying they are ready for the Heal/Hurt battle. The winner should be determined by the location of the RoF endorsement. Oh wait, WRONG! Once you're both about half health, pull out your shotgun and tear him apart. Switch back to H/H gun for final taunt (preferably inside your own Airstrike beacon).


    The Jump-Pad Block
    A very basic maneuver to outwit enemies and friendlies alike. A Jump-pad is designed to propel you from one specific place on the map to another predetermined point. All you need to do is stand directly between the start point and end point. This will completely change the direction of travel. I have listed a few good examples below.

    A. Steel Peel
    The Jump-pad that brings you from your spawn-ring to the bridge is a great example. All you need to do is stand directly in front of it on the spawn-ring and wait for friendlies to use it. If done correctly, it will propel the enemy into the abyss next to the bot-spawn.

    B. Grenade III
    I motherf*cking love this one! The Jump-pads that bring you from the low center platform to the mid-map white bridges are easily exploitable. Just position yourself on the very edge of the landing point and wait for an enemy or friendly pro to hit one. Once they are close to you, just jump. That should make them drop straight down. Make sure that if you are doing this to an enemy, you need to tap them with your hurt gun to get credit for the Ring-out.

    C. Spunky Cola
    I use this one only for pissing off my own team. We're talking about the Jump-pad in the enemy base, next to the default Rock-it. What you do here is wait for a friendly to Juice rush the enemy base, then you stand right at the top of the platform. When your friendly's Juice wears off, he'll be looking for a place to escape, and it's usually that Jump-pad. Now, he'll be stuck in an endless loop of Up-Downs until the enemy team guns him down.

    The Silent Air Strike
    The idea of the Silent Airstrike is to dislodge an enemy from a particular camping spot quietly and efficiently. It takes a little practice, but once you get it figured out, you will be a complete menace to the enemy. All you need to do is throw an Airstrike under the map where an enemy is perched and it will detonate at the highest platform instantly (with no notification).

    Update: I have recently found that when you get called out for glitching in a post-game lobby because your Airstrike beacons make no noise, all you need to do is say, "Dude, get some Turtle Beaches."

    A. LazeRazor
    There are a few places to use this technique, and since this map is mirrored, these spots work equally well on both halves of the map.

    The first place is the platform to the right of your spawn adjacent to the bot spawn. If you follow the right bot lane until you get just outside of your base and turn around, you will notice that it is completely open under this platform. If there is an Assault camping a bomb or a Sniper with traps, just throw an Airstrike under this platform.


    Another place is the upper walkway above the enemy's left lower tunnel. If there is a Sniper up there spamming explosive rounds into your bots to Juice-boost, just get yourself into your own right bot lane, just before the lane starts going downhill again, get as far right as possible and chuck an Airstrike under him.


    Finally, if you are having a difficult time getting a good placement on the aforementioned location, you can get underneath them. Just get yourself onto the small platform with the Jump-pad on it, turn around and drop an Airstrike. That should be enough to kill him and make him nervous about camping that spot.

    B. Steel Peel
    A good place to use Silent Airstrikes is on your back pathway that leads you out from the left side of your base. If there is a Pro or two camping that spot (there usually is), Just go to your bot spawn platform and toss one under them. That will keep them out of there in the future, and if it doesn't, FREE KILLS.

    I recently found another location for the Silent Airtstrike. Get yourself to the back walkway on the enemy side of the map. If there is someone camping just outside their left spawn door, you can drop an Airstrike under them. Picture below.



    Another spot is below the Annihilator switch. I like to wait until an enemy decides to buy Juice and toss one directly under them.
    ~"Time to unleash th-WTF!"

    C. Grenade III

    There aren't too many places that can't be hit with Silent Airstrikes. Let's cover the basics for now.

    The Sniper nest is pretty easy. Just get out to your own perch in front of your spawn ring and toss an Airstrike directly across the map. It should arc down a bit and detonate directly on the enemy Sniper perch.


    From the low center platform you should be able to hit any number of places where an enemy is camping. Just toss an Airstrike under their location and they'll be in their Spawn room in no time.


    If you leave your base to the left and take the Jump-pad to the inner ledge, you'll notice that the ledge curves around like this ( . When an enemy takes their Jump-pad to that same ledge, move to your right and toss an Air strike under them. BOOM, dead.


    Advanced GIII Techniques

    On either the left or right side of the map between your bridge and the middle bridge, there is a Jump-pad that takes you to the inner platform. This is an excellent place to sit and wait for unsuspecting enemies. Just stand on the small ledge that had the Jump-pad on it and look toward the enemy base. You will notice that there is a pane of glass that allows you to see exactly when someone is going to go up their Jump-pad to the upper walkway. Toss an airstrike in their direction and it should detonate just as they land.



    For the following technique you will need to have at least Silver Speed/ x2 Speed Pick-ups. If you are low health and being chased, get yourself to the middle platform and take one of the JPs that takes you to the middle bridge. In midair about halfway to the landing point, toss an airstrike straight down. By the time this beacon gets to the point where it will detonate, you will be on the other side of it and the enemy should be just landing inside of it.


    If someone is camping the outermost edge of the white bridge, you need to get yourself to the tiny ledge that encircles the bottom of the outer section of your bridge. That will get you a decent enough angle to take them out. Again, just throw one under their location. Below is an image to help describe this location.


    The Sui-Strike
    A very simple tactic that really makes a lot of people angry. Run around until you find an unsuspecting enemy Pro, drop an Airstrike and Grapple them inside the blast radius. With enough practice, you can actually grapple them inside the radius of the Airstrike, but keep yourself out of harm's way. I have actually gone 13-5 using only Sui-Strikes. I got a few messages for it, too.

    The Spawn-Strike
    If you find yourself uncontested in the enemy base, chances are pretty good that there will be a Pro or two in the spawn room. To take them out, just toss an Airstrike on the vertical wall of the base of the spawn room directly under any one of the three exit doors. This placement will cause the Airstrike to detonate inside the spawn room and kill anyone within the blast radius.

    PP Spawn-Strike
    There will be times where you are preparing to Juice-Rush a base and your opponent sees you coming. Typically, they will run into their Spawn Room at the very sight of you activating Juice. What you want to do in this case is chase them up onto their Spawn Ring and toss a Spawn-Strike as you take the Jump-Pad up. 9 times out of 10 you'll get the kill.

    ***Any and all credit for the PP Spawn-Strike goes to PeachyPony. I watched him chase 2 different Pub Assaults into their spawn and perform this exact maneuver.

    Post-game Firebase
    The post-game firebase is quickly becoming one of my favorite tactics. All you do is wait for a match to be near its conclusion and drop your firebase just before the moneyball dies. It will deploy in the end game animation and just start firing on anyone unlucky enough to be in its range.

    *also works with building and upgrading turrets.

    To Summarize, your main goal is to appear as incompetent to your own team as possible while, at the same time being a general nuisance to the enemy. If you can do that, you will one day make a wonderful Troll-Support.

    Please feel free to comment, criticize, correct, add to or troll my guide.
    Last edited: January 21, 2012
  2. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    This is for teh serious from JON?

    Now that caught me completely off guard. Um....yeah....good stuffs so far, especially the colors.
  3. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    As serious as you can be when you set out to troll people...

    If you enjoyed my red and blue class match-ups, this should keep you dazzled for hours:


    FaRealTho, Thanks!
  4. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Are you trying to trick me!! It has black and white in there, those aren't real spectrum colors!!!!
  5. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    y u so mad? LOL
  6. Based

    Based New Member

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  7. Zatchmo

    Zatchmo Active Member

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    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  8. timmy TED

    timmy TED New Member

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    how does one troll support a troll support?
  9. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    That is an excellent question.
  10. timmy TED

    timmy TED New Member

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    Troll-Support (Enemy) Join in jet ski taunting on top of the annihilator until someone dies. Should you survive, taunt once more on his dead body.
  11. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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  12. Zatchmo

    Zatchmo Active Member

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    The Sui-Strike

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  13. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Randomdude kinda invented that term like 4 months ago.
  14. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    Really?! That's awesome! If I remember correctly, and I probably don't, I invented that term as I was typing it.

    Seriously, no offense to Random, but I've been calling it anything from a Sui-Strike to a Troll Grapple to a Suicide Hug since Pre-Spunky. If he wants partial credit or something he is more than welcome to come here and let me know. I mean it's not like I'm trying to make money off the use of the name, the was a joke. Get it? ;)
  15. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    First time I heard him use it was when he started going for 2500 Airstrike kills. Dunno if that's actually when he came up with it.
  16. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    why don't you guys go to small claims court and get this sorted out so we can all move on.
  17. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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  18. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    Yeah but small claims court handles these types or issues no problem. We don't need to clutter the forums with these big issues. :)
  19. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    Why would anyone bother with small claims court when we could just 1v1 Support on GIII? ;)
  20. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Actually I believe it was SXD who came up with the Sui-Strike. ;)

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