If it were anyway possible to use an editor to insert text from unlocked tags, pictures from unlocked tags, and the background/frame of [well you know], that would be very great. It's nice to have a large array to choose from, but some of the text isn't all that flattering, or the pictures just don't get enough shine from texts. I would love to be able to put "Boom Headshot" with a slimbot pic. This function would encourage players to buy protags to develop their own. Uber wouldn't have to worry about censorship so long as they continue to put appropriate content (or worry less anyway). This addresses the issues for "creating your own protags". The system could allow for maybe up to 4 words (or some odd number of characters), the image, and the protag frame to be edited from unlocked, existing protags. I'm not sure if it would be easier to use the system that the devs have implemented for the creation of tags, but I wouldn't want to create too much work for you all. ---- Just a thought. Good luck Uber.
We're already getting clan tags AND new ProTags, and tag customisation has only ended badly, if CODBlops is anything to go by - you mean I can draw a schlong, but not a swastika? OMG UR IMPEDIN MA FREE SPEECHZ!!!11
It'd still be cool if you could only use the text and images from existing tags, just getting to mix and match the elements. I need a slow down tag with a pic of a sin on it. But you're right sensitivepsycho, when is enough enough?
When your custom image depicts a version of the Aristocrats joke. Anything before that is fine :roll:
yeah, if its a list of phrazes that the game currently has, then it would be fine to mix and match current protag-phrazes with current protag-pics. but a 4 letter imput to go on your tag... well most curse words are 4 letters, so you tell me what the majority of the lowlife spawn-door-deploy-blocking, longshot-in-spawnring-building, jump-pad-blocking, feedback-system-abusing players on xbox live would choose to put? it be a tough choice between **** or **** or **** or maybe ****... or maybe just draw a 4-character-shlong...
you see, there just are too many people that would do this. All designers want to do is give players freedom to choose. Of course, just a little too much freedom and it becomes an unacceptable nightmare. Give the right censorship, it would be impossible create such an image. Limiting the text input to only letters and censoring combinations of letters would be a nice step. But no image drawing, just the symbol selections from bots to headshots.