Soo i´ve playing PA for a long time and been messing with the forum recently and the entire purpose for writing this is to say thanks to all those that work hard to make our biggest dreams come true. But i would like to say one special thinq that i apreciate the most, the community mangement those guys work hard everyday answering our questions moderating our forums and even posting their opnion to guarantee that everyone have fun Now there is no words to describe how easy is to feel welcomed in this community were you get the felling that every player is here to improve the game in some way I know that sometime is hard to keep up with the community and i totaly agree thats why i´m just here to say thanks And if you feel like please watch this video that talks a little more about community managers: Thanks for all the effort put into this game, players and staff this thread is yours. ArthurSalim
Awww <3 And thank you for the video! I'm sure @BradNicholson and @garat will appreciate it too ^_^ I'd like to thank the Community as well!!! You guys ROCK