Guys, im gonna lay it all out here, when i was 15 (6 years a go) some serious stuff went down that drastically altered my life, since then i've been pretty depressed, and all but despised by everyone around me, you could cal it "emo" and i guess you'd be right, i've came close to hurting myself multiple times. Things got even worse once my religion abandoned me, i didnt feel safe anymore. Anyways, I wanted to thank uber, and everyone on these forums that i play with, for giving me a wonderful environment to be myself, where not only am i welcomed, but i feel like i belong for once in a long time. Sorry for the big sobfest, i'm kind of an emotional guy, i've just been wanting to express my appreciation.
Not a problem Rev. You're a stand up person. Although I haven't played a game with you yet. Maybe we'll have to do that sometime. I'm glad Uber and it's community can give you a place to unwind and have no worries. :hug:
Rev i know where your comin from and its tough and it slowly gets better, and i understand how even little things can make you feel better. Hope too see ya on sometime soon cheers!
This thread made me "Daawww". But on a serious note playing with this community and meeting its people is a real pick-me-up. There is a thankful shortage of assholes here. There are notable exceptions that shall remain nameless, however. But if it means anything to you, you are defiantly not one of them, Rev.