Terrible lag!

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by ohno21212, August 28, 2010.

  1. ohno21212

    ohno21212 New Member

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    Hello there im new to monday night combat as well as these forums. in fact i just joined to addres a problem ive been having with lag.

    This lag is so terrible that i just fly aroudn the map dont hit people when i fire at them (etc) or if the game is going ok the game changes hosts randomly so i can never play
    i didnt notice this problem yesterday or at all today until about 4 hours ago until now i just cant get into a good game has anyone else had these lag problems is it related at all to the amount of people playing?

    Thanks to all replies (also sorry about all the spelling mistakes i kinda wrote this very very fast XD)
  2. ohno21212

    ohno21212 New Member

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    well im experiencing little to no lag today so im going to assume the lag was caused by the number of people playing on friday night
  3. Vike113

    Vike113 New Member

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    I'm having the same problem, I cant find a game with a good host, and I play assassin so hitting a lunge + grapple is impossible with a 0,3-0,5 second delay.
  4. CDR Alpha Niner

    CDR Alpha Niner New Member

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    The lag is costing me kills and giving me deaths.

    Dedicated server anyone?

    I'm actually playing right now, and for some reason, I'm locked at the Respawn screen, even though the countdown timer says 0...would really love to help out my team right now, considering it's Overtime...

    ...and would you look at that? Jammed-up game, and no Pro-Tags, despite going 10/9 with an Assault and earning a Streak in the process...
  5. Konner

    Konner New Member

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    Host selection in MNC is questionable.
  6. Vike113

    Vike113 New Member

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    This really is ruining the game for me, I can find a host that lets me play the game the way it was meant to be played. Just now I played a game again and got in a team against a good assassin, or not, you see most of the people in that game were from the US, and I'm from Sweden so there's no ******* way that I can win a 1on1 against a person with host who is across the globe. The next game he was bunny hopping and spraying his minigun while I happily stood there and couldn't do anything because he was using a cheap tactic combined with horrible lag, then I ragequited. Something has to be done.
  7. PhantomPhoton

    PhantomPhoton New Member

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    My gaming group has decided to lay down MNC until these issues are resolved. Uber is aware of the issues, and hopefull a patch resolving them will be forthcoming. In the meantime, we are playing lag-free Halo3 and going outside for such gaming experiences as golf, hiking, ulti, etc.

    In conclusion: Uber is aware of the issues, let's hope it's resolved when the patch drops.

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